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What the US, Russia and China synastry reveals

Synastry is the art of relationship Astrology. It is a fascinating and illuminating study of how individuals or groups interact with one another. No matter how hard we try we cannot get away from the issues that our relationship charts bring up. At any point in time progressed interchart  aspects between two entities can illuminate the issues involved in the interaction.

In his second book, The Changing Sky, Steven Forrest presented a model for sorting through the many possible planetary configurations that present themselves in a transits and progressions reading. This system, termed "The Four Nets," is applied to the jungle of astrological symbolism, each net catching creatures in descending orders of size. In the First Net, we see all the astrological biggies—major transits and directions  to and from  the Sun, Moon and Ascendant for example. By the time we get to the Third or Fourth Nets, we are looking at events we might safely ignore —unless the earlier Nets have come up empty. This is a strategic, orderly, and effective method for organizing one’s approach to a transits/progressions analysis.

In this post we apply Steven’s approach to a study of progressed synastry for the charts of the US (Sibly), China and Russia. The extract below is from a previous post China’s horoscope and the trade war [1].

Another clue to the kind of change being demanded can be seen if we superimpose the progressed US Sibly  on the Chinese chart. Here we find the Sibly progressed Sun [13pi] is opposite China’s radix Saturn [13vi] once again in the 8th house of business. Much of what we know of planets in an individual natal chart can also be extended to nations. Saturn in the 8th gives apprehensions and difficulties in the area of sharing and joint resources. People feel insecure about what they have to give or experience difficulty in what another has to offer. More generally, there is the fear of letting go which can often show up as trying to control the partner through money matters. With its huge trade surplus with the US, China is doing just that. It is unwilling to open its own markets – a fear that can be typically related to Saturn in the 8th. Notice that Saturn [13vi] is conjunct the TNP Apollon [19vi] which is associated with business and commerce.

Even a cookbook interpretation of Sun-Saturn opposition clearly indicates the difficulty involved.

Sun opposition Saturn in synastry:

In the early stages of your relationship Sun is likely to feel attracted to the mature, steady, disciplined, and responsible qualities of Saturn, but over time these same qualities can begin to feel restrictive, limiting, even oppressive. Saturn can fall into the role of being the parent, teacher, or taskmaster of Sun, causing Sun to feel inhibited and confined by Saturn’s seriousness and inflexibility.

The second important progression in synastry is Sibly progressed solar arc Neptune [24ta] opposite China’s MC [24sc]. A simple delineation for this would be: “schemes or unrealistic plans create uncertainty about the future”.

Chinese trade officials apparently offered a huge concession in January: a promise to completely eliminate its trade surplus with the U.S. by 2024. The question is whether the concessions are at all realistic. Eliminating the bilateral trade deficit would require raising Chinese imports from the U.S. by almost a factor of three while holding exports constant, or increasing imports even more while increasing exports modestly. One report places China’s offer at $600 billion of annual imports from the U.S. by 2024.

A similar analysis for Russia’s progressions to China’s chart reveal two important directions. Russia’s progressed Sun [1aq] conjunct China’s Ascendant [1aq] and Moon [3aq]. This is regarded as one of the best combinations for an effective union or partnership.

The conjunction of the Sun and the Moon in synastry is a powerful connection. How it plays out will have much to do with the condition of these luminaries in the individual charts. Attraction to one another is usually there regardless, perhaps felt most by the Moon person initially. As a relationship develops between the two, a dynamic inevitably emerges in which the Moon person plays a supportive role (sometimes a dependent or submissive role) to the Sun person, who tends to lead the relationship in some manner.

Chart Data:

Russia: Dec. 25, 1991; 5:20 pm UT, Moscow, Russia
China: Oct.1, 1949; 3:02 pm AWST, Beijing, China
Sibly: Jul.4, 1776; 5:10 pm LMT, Philadelphia, USA
