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Alarming increase in US child mental illness

The number of young people visiting US emergency rooms with psychiatric problems is rising, driven largely by a surge in teens and minority youth seeking urgent help for mental illnesses, a new study suggests. Between 2011 and 2015, there was a 28 percent increase in psychiatric emergency department (ED) visits among young people ages 6 to 24, the study found. March 18

A national chart can reveal surprising detail when we add asteroids to our study. The tables below give a list of asteroids that aspect the radix Sun in the US Sibly.

10 cn 40' 7"

13 cn 19'20"

14 cn 51'29"

10 pi 24'41"
16 pi 12'14"

In the period 2011-2015, Pluto was transiting opposite the Sibly Sun triggering the entire set of asteroids linked to the Sun. Martha Wescott [1] provides the following key phrases for the asteroids

PSYCHE: Recognition of childhood trauma; raw wounds psychologically; vulnerability; memories; insight; psychic impressionability; psychological recovery; the state of your “mental health;” head wounds; brain states.

SIVA: also SIWA: Episodic, catabolic (breakdown/through) process that precedes insight; destruction of density/fixated beliefs.

AESCULAPIA: Contact with physicians (including the internal healer) and belief-systems about the health, symptoms and medical conditions.

CHILD: Events with children.

The news can be reconstructed from the definition of the asteroids. Isn’t it strange that a national horoscope that is more than 200 years old accurately times  the breakdown of the psychological health of its young. 

What is happening is that emotional trauma that had been buried  for a long time in the nation’s psyche is  slowly beginning to rise--to come up out of the depths  to the surface.   And while this can be painful-- it's a step in the direction of genuine  integration--of a nation’s young "owning" their pain and what has hurt them (so  that they have an emotional integrity and aren't, subconsciously, driven  by unacknowledged needs and wounds of their forefathers.) 

This  can result in  some very  positive manifestation: the children of a nation born out of a war  can now on the  basis of their own  wounds, have enormous insight into the pain and psychology of others.   The nation as a whole can then  "turn a corner" by reaching a core level of honesty  so that they heal the pain.


  1. Yup!!
    The sins of the father will be paid by his sons for 7 generations!


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