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Astrology of Pakistan’s Oil Find

Neptune – god of seas and ocean

Pakistan may soon hit the oil jackpot, and that will be good news for not only the country itself but all of South Asia as well as China and Gulf nations.

The modern state of Pakistan was established on 14 August 1947, 9:30am, Karachi, gaining independence from the British together with India. A chart based on this data has proved to be a very reliable indicator of events in Pakistan [1].

Presented here is the solar return chart (precession corrected) relocated to Islambad, Pakistan’s current capital. Neptune [15pi] is on the IC (4th house cusp). And it is well known that it  has rulership over oil as well as the ocean [2] and in addition is placed on the 4th house cusp about which Deborah Houlding writes:

This house also rules hidden treasure and the treasures of the earth, such as mines and minerals, gems, oil, wells and water supplies.

Look at the strong aspects Neptune (oil) makes to Uranus (sudden discoveries) and TNP Apollon (growth and expansion including thru business and commerce).

But why now? The answer to this question comes from the application of two different methods. The first is of course very easy to understand. Not only did the current  March New Moon [16pi] fall  on Neptune, today (March 28)  Mercury has stationed direct also at the same point [16pi]. Coincidence?

The second method is using the progression of the return chart by the solar quotidian method. When we do that we find that the progressed angles bring the Uranus – Apollon – Neptune configuration to an aspect with the meridian, thereby triggering it.

So there we have the full reason behind the discovery. Now let us go a little deeper and look at the star Achernar [16pi, alpha Eridanus that conjoins Neptune.  Diana Rosenberg links this star to  “history and paradigm altering people and events”.
