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Mueller report at Full Moon

The New Moon represents the seed idea for the lunar month that follows.  You can think of the Sun implanting an idea into the Moon but just as the New Moon is not visible so also the “seed idea” remains hidden. The idea then gradually unfolds or manifests through the various phases of the Moon reaching the stage of full visibility at the Full Moon.

The  current New Moon took place on March 6. It was conjunct Neptune and Vesta and the star Achernar. The title of Nick Fiorenza’s New Moon blogpost [1] is  Dissolving Illusions – Clarifying Visions.

Neptune is of inspiration, ideals, dreams and visions. However it can leave one lost in a dream world, unable to see if ideas and visions have any real substance or viability, which can leave one living in illusion, self-deception, confusion, or behind a veil or mask. Thus the issue of discernment arises as well.

Vesta is the asteroid of mental clarity. It brings attention to that which is of true importance to us and will ignite and burn away that which is not so we can become clear. Vesta is keeper of the sacred flame within self.

Achernar, α Eridani, is a star at the end of the river Eridanus – the place where the river meets the sea. Metaphorically the end of the river marks the stage of  completion, integration, and rewards from what has been gained from the long and winding journey in life—such as in the completion of a project, a leg of a journey, or of life itself. It can indicate breakthroughs and new discoveries after a long arduous journey.

The Mueller report has come out at the Equinox Full Moon. About the stars that form the backdrop to the Full Moon, Nick Fiorenza writes:

These stars impel us to seek a greater truth that lies hidden beyond the diversionary shenanigans, dramatics and smoke screens occurring in the world around us, and those produced by the self-proclaimed talking heads of big-business and politics. They impel us to transcend these exoteric diversions of life to establish a foundation of self-awareness free from societal influences, and to unconditionally express that awareness in a service capacity.

It should be easy for readers to see why the Mueller report has come out now and how it essentially dissolves the illusions of Russian conspiracy in the US elections.
