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Nunes Readies Criminal Referrals

Tantalus punished in Underworld

And now Sperry is reporting that Nunes is preparing criminal referrals: "House Intel has evidence Clinton operatives & hi-level FBI & DOJ officials started Trump-Russia investigation in "late 2015/early 2016" &that House GOP will be making criminal referrals to AG"

From an astrological viewpoint, the period "late 2015/early 2016"  is very interesting. The first of three squares between Saturn [7sa] and Neptune [7pi] took place on November 26, 2015. A chart for the exact square drawn for Washington, DC  has the square straddling the horizon – implying that its energies would influence this place very significantly.

A  square between Saturn and Neptune is  about knowing the difference between fact and fiction. For some time, it may appear that  Neptune, the planet of lies and deceit, overpowers Saturn, the planet associated with reality  so that those  committed to veiling the truth are successful in spreading even more stories intended to distract, bamboozle and manipulate already agitated emotional bodies. However when Saturn fights back it can reveal previously hidden information, clarify muddy waters and provide vital details.  So that if we’ve been telling tales to ourselves or others or living a lie,  we need to get ready for a reckoning.

So why now? Notice that transit Pluto [22cp] is now exactly semi-square  each end of the Nov. 26, 2015, Saturn-Neptune square (in other words bisecting it exactly). Pluto is a dismantler of lies, its action is similar to ripping off a veil and in its function as the god of the underworld, it can be very harsh on evil-doers.
