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The message of the Equinox Full Moon

The deputy speaker of Germany's Bundestag has called for U.S. Ambassador Richard Grenell to be sent home after he criticized Germany over its planned NATO spending.

Kubicki said it is intolerable that "the U.S. ambassador would once again interfere in political questions of the sovereign Federal Republic."

"If a U.S. diplomat acts like a high commissioner of an occupying power, he will have to learn that our tolerance has its limits," Kubicki said.  March 19

The news from Germany can serve as an excellent example of the Equinox Full Moon’s message. At Berlin, the Full Moon is significantly placed square the horizon axis.

 The Moon is in Libra , the sign of relationships and partnerships of any kind. Sun in Aries, on the other side, is all about the Self. The Sun is at 0° Aries and is conjunct Chiron, at 1° Aries. The Aries-Libra axis is about balancing your needs with those of others.

Chiron in Aries is where you feel you don’t have the right to be yourself. Aries is concerned exactly with the affirmation of the self.  The 1st sign of the zodiac – is all about the individual, about impulse, passion, instinct, “Me first” attitude. Aries in where we assert ourselves, where we go for what we want, where we draw borders to express our uniqueness. Chiron is where we feel wounded, ashamed, broken and inadequate. Chiron will challenge Aries’ expression of the self, expression of individuality. Chiron in Aries is about the greatest wounds of all – the wound of identity. The wound of identity is when we feel we don’t have the right to exist. This is the most painful wounds of all because it is the most difficult to grasp. As we grow up, if our self-expression is encouraged, we slowly develop our unique identity. But the process is not always smooth. Our parents may – rightly so – see us as an extension of themselves, and may have difficulties in acknowledging that we are a different human being. It’s not their fault! They do this because they want to protect us. But trying to force the child to become anything else but what they were born to be, is incredibly damaging to the sense of the child’s self. Stifling a child’s individuality is more dangerous on long-term than neglect and even violence.

In our context, Germany is the child struggling for its identity. NATO and by association the US is the “protective” parent. Germany is openly defying US President Trump's demands to spend more on its NATO budget. Germany and others should call Trump's bluff and say, "go ahead!" — pull your troops, missiles and warplanes out of Europe. US forces in Europe have never been about "protection" and have always been about "projection" of American hegemonic power over European vassals, in particular, to prevent a normal and natural relationship with Russia progressing.

Next we  turn our attention to the TNP configuration highlighted by the Full Moon. Notice that Cupido on the Ascendant is opposite Hades on the descendant. Cupido is also the apex of a Yod with TNPs Vulcanus and Admetus as the base. Cupido is about a sense of family or group togetherness while Hades refers to  a decline or deterioration.  Vulcanus adds pressure to Cupido …a sort of force to remain in a group. But TNP Admetus becomes inured or insensible under the pressure of compulsion. Doesn’t that perfectly  describe the dynamics between Germany and the US….but wait a minute it also describes Brexit with EU (parent) holding on to its child (UK) with the child struggling to leave. (Incidentally the Full Moon chart at Brussels is more or less similar as the one above).
