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Saturn station:Crane collapses in Seattle

Four people were killed when a construction crane collapsed Saturday in downtown Seattle, pinning cars underneath. All of the victims were dead by the time firefighters got to the scene, the Seattle Fire Department said. Other people have been transported to the hospital, the department said.

Many  events can be explained by what astrologers call the station point. This  term refers to the period when a planet slows down and stands relatively still before changing directions, and either starts going backward ("retrograde") or forward ("direct"). Think "station" as in stationary, in other words.

While many astrologers look to the station point primarily for what it tells us about when and where a planet is changing direction, stations possess another level of meaning that's often overlooked, and which could be even more important in symbolism than its role as a directional marker. Why? Because in the process of slowing down and grinding to a seeming halt, the influence of that planet is dramatically amplified.

Mundane astrologers are aware that planetary phenomena become very important for a place when they coincide with the angles (horizon or meridian axes). The chart for the Saturn station at Seattle has Saturn- Pluto-South Node on the IC forming a square to Mercury on the descendant.

The conjunction of Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn is tearing down outmoded structures and revealing some of the worst “corruptions” in those structures. As Saturn stations to go retrograde, at Seattle the station takes place on the IC (fourth house cusp). In mundane astrology, the 4th house rules buildings among other things [1] so that Saturn-Pluto is exposing structural defects (corruption) in the building or building process.

Pluto’s transit through Capricorn is now in the process of culminating and surpassing the zenith of an entire cycle of evolution. Its first order of business is to demolish the structures and systems that have outgrown their usefulness, this in order to set the stage for the next construction project to begin.
The transit is a testing time for the durability of existing structures, programs, and ideologies. Commonly accepted standards of doing business – of economics, commerce, industry, business, politics, religions, customs, social ethics and hierarchies - are put to the test.[2]

And let us not fail to notice that Mercury on the descendant squares Saturn-Pluto. Among other things, Mercury rules cars and Mercury-Saturn in our current context is an accident involving cars!


PS: Boeing was founded by William Boeing on July 15, 1916, in Seattle, Washington. Its natal Sun [23cn] and Saturn [20cn] are now receiving a direct opposition from station Saturn [20cp] and station Pluto [23cp]. Can it be a coincidence that  news just coming in exposes “corruption” in Boeing
