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Astrology of the US-Iran tension

If any one should wish to get the world for himself, and to effect
this by what he does, I see that he will not succeed. The world
is a spirit-like thing, and cannot be got by active doing.

Tao Te Ching

Just as everyone with half a frontal lobe had expected, the WSJ reported late on Monday that according to an initial U.S. assessment, "Iran was likely behind the attack" on the two Saudi Arabian oil tankers and two other vessels damaged over the weekend near the Strait of Hormuz, a U.S. official said, a finding that, whether confirmed or not, will certainly inflame military tensions in the Gulf and likely result in a global proxy war that drags in the US, China and Russia. Oh, and that would be the Persian Gulf for those wondering, not the Gulf of Tonkin, which is where another famous False Flag naval incident occurred.

Astrologers regard eclipses as marking turning points in developments on earth. The nature of the effect of an eclipse is a function of the star alignments and other aspecting planets occurring at the time of the eclipse.  Eclipses bring emphasis to issues which we can work with over the months ahead. But while their effect is global in nature,they influence is most strongly felt in places where they align with the angles ( horizon or meridian axes). In this post we shall see how the powerful  Total Lunar Eclipse of July 27, 2018 is influencing the event in the news. At Tehran,  the eclipse fell exactly on the meridian implying that it had a significant message for the place.

The Full Moon conjoined retrograde Mars, in early sidereal Capricorn. The prominent and overseeing star here is Altair (α) Aquila and Zeta (ζ) of Sagitta, the missile. Both these are fairly obvious symbols of war.  But since this is  a South Node eclipse, it is referring to tendencies and habit patterns that we need to put an end to. In his blog post on the eclipse, Nick Fiorenza [1] wrote:

The Mars-Ketu (South Node) conjunction brings emphasis to established tendencies regarding the use of our creative initiative and the use of power in the world. In this area of Capricorn and under the auspices of Altair and conjoining stars, it especially brings emphasis to redefining militaristic strategies. This applies to all of the Mars-Ketu conjunctions and the entire retrograde cycle. This entire energetic, extending from June through September is about redefining these past patterns and tendencies, impelling us, both personally and globally, to elevate the expression of Mars. Since the Mars-Ketu conjunction brings emphasis to these past patterns, we may also see an intensification of their expression in the world. It is important to be attentive to our personal past tendencies surfacing and to do the inner work to transform them.

Astrologers have developed techniques to progress (i.e. move a chart forward in time) to find out when the promise in the radix comes due. One such method is referred to as the solar quotidian method. Roughly speaking, the angles are moved forward by approximately a degree per day. The days on which the progressed angles arrive at  the relevant planetary configuration are times when the radix promise can be expected to occur in the  form of an event.

If we now progress the eclipse chart by the solar quotidian method to May 14, the date of the news, we notice that the progressed horizon aligns with the eclipse thereby revealing its essence. War like tendencies are intensifying but they can no longer support the evolutionary requirements  (Mars conjunct South Node) and will be dismantled and discarded. However, in order to make the shift into the paradigms of the coming age, all unfinished business must be resurrected in order for it to be exposed and evolved. Exposure and experience serves to generate the necessary awareness. The eclipse serves to  draw back the curtain until the flaws, failings, and destructiveness of the system become so obvious, they can no longer be ignored. For this reason  social  and political corruption can rise before it falls.

This eclipse will intensify the actions and ambitions of the self-serving, the corrupt, and the power-hungry. In these  critical days, we can see the US  attempting to manipulate, dominate, and control Iran through threats of war and sanctions.
