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Israel: False Flag to Justify Military Aggression

A dangerous flashpoint has emerged in world politics at the moment. There is widespread fear that the United States and its allies might launch a military operation against Iran at any time. A US aircraft carrier and B-52 bombers are already deployed in the region. The alleged sabotage of four oil tankers, two of them Saudi, and the attack on a major oil pipeline are being linked in certain circles without an iota of evidence to Tehran. There is no need to repeat that scenarios of this sort are often manufactured to justify military aggression.

A chart drawn for the Full Moon of May 18 at Tel-Aviv has it placed very significantly on the meridian thus appears to suggest Israel’s involvement. In addition, the Full Moon is conjunct  John Bolton’s  natal Sun  at [28 Scorpio] making him a likely co-conspirator.

Moreover, the Sun-Moon midpoint aligns with the midpoint of the TNPs Hades and Zeus.

Sun/Moon = 27leo 38 = Hades/Zeus = 28le24

Martha Wescott interprets the Hades/Zeus midpoint as:

Hades/Zeus: purposeful negative intent; misdirected military action; secret plans; to recognize embarrassment at loss of temper or control; to have enthusiasm drain away; to hear of damages through weapons, fires or explosions.
