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John Bolton and the constellation Centaurus

“Man has always lived with a myth, and we think we are able to be born today and to live in no myth, without history.  That is a disease.” – Carl Jung

Journalist Whitney Webb recently tweeted a 2010 video clip I’d never seen before featuring US National Security Advisor John Bolton defending the use of deception in advancing military agendas, which highlights something we should all be paying attention to as Trump administration foreign policy becomes increasingly Boltonized.

Bolton has been called a "war hawk" and is an advocate for regime change in Iran, Syria, Libya, Venezuela, Cuba, Yemen and North Korea and repeatedly called for the termination of the Iran nuclear deal. He was an early supporter of the Iraq War and continues to back this position. He has continuously supported military action and regime change in Syria, Libya, and Iran.

Of late  John Bolton is expanding his influence in increasingly visible ways, pursuing his own long-standing foreign policy priorities at the risk of tensions with top administration officials — and even Donald Trump himself.

Bolton was born on November 20, 1948, in Baltimore, Maryland.  For readers who are unfamiliar with astrology, in a natal chart the Sun and the stars that form the backdrop to the Sun  are of utmost importance in delineating a horoscope. Bolton’s natal Sun is at [28 Scorpio]. About this area, Diana Rosenberg [1] writes:

Here are  the stars of strongman Hercules, man-beast Centaurus, the Serpent and tropical Scorpio’s martian-plutonian energies. This produces daring trail-blazers with a willingness to take great risks.  Obsessive and absolutist with a grim, unconditional determination to bring about their desired ends. Shrewd manipulators, verbally gifted, they are fascinated by propaganda and “spin”.

The Centaur represents the conflict between man’s lower nature and higher nature, the struggle between primitive untamed passions and humane compassion, patience and love. Because of their uncompromising natures, there is a danger of fanaticism, bitterness and deep anger at anyone or anything they perceive to be evil. Militant, vehement, unwavering, they can be jealous, vicious, spiteful, destructive, selfish and self-righteous, bigoted and rabidly intolerant making enemies by the truckload.

This is an excellent description of Bolton from Diana Rosenberg who had no way of knowing the man. But more significantly, the passage tells us how each of us is constrained by the stars that conjoin the placement of the natal Sun. This is not to say that we are condemned by the stars. Quite often as is the case here, there are some constellations that offer a higher path. Here Hercules offers strength and courage while the ever-regenerating Serpent of deep knowledge grants transformation, healing and renewal, should this higher path be taken.

Symbolically, the centaur; half man, half horse represents the danger of domination by baser influences, instincts, the unconscious uncontrolled by the spirit. The man-beast combination illustrates the conflict between man’s lower animal nature merged with his higher nature of human virtue and judgement, the struggle between the savage and the benign. In the picture above notice that the centaur is shown carrying a spear that impales a wolf (Lupus). Also shown is the altar where the wolf is (should be?) sacrificed.  The wolf – a despoiler of flocks, rapacious, cruel, crafty and bloodthirsty – has long been a symbol of evil. The Centaur impaling the wolf  and subsequently sacrificing it on the altar alludes to the aspect of the Centaur as a punisher of the crimes of the animal half.

Quite often what is visible in a person’s life born under Centaurus is one part of the story. We may see him identified with the animal-half but then there may be a price to pay.

The psychological rule says that when an inner situation is not made conscious, it happens outside, as fate….That is to say, when the individual remains undivided and does not become conscious of his inner contradictions the world must perforce act out the conflict and be torn into opposite halves.”  C. G. Jung, 1959, CW 9, par 126.

The Full Moon [28sc] of May 18 falls exactly on Bolton’s natal Sun [28sc]. It is likely that we may see Centaurus, the punisher pull up Bolton so that he is made aware of his inner contradictions.

[1] Secrets of the Ancient Skies, Diana K. Rosenberg (v.2, p.253-54)
