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Saturn-Pluto and the eruption of Mount Agung

A massive volcano eruption spewed a giant ash mushroom cloud into the sky on the Indonesian holiday island of Bali, local officials reported Friday, causing flight cancellations to and from the island and diverting flights over the area to nearby Australia, but thankfully didn't result in any known casualties. Mount Agung volcano was described by Reuters as shooting lava and and hail of rocks at a distance of about 2 miles.

In astrology, an essential  quality of Saturn is that of preservation, as well as endurance within the midst of extreme hardship or austerity. Both Capricorn and Saturn symbolize systems and structures which seek to preserve their dominance at any cost, just as Kronos ate his children to avoid being deposed. On the other hand, Pluto, the God of the underworld, aims to reveal all that is  repressed.

A struggle between Saturn-Pluto can be likened to a rocky layer holding back the seething magma in a volcano. At some point the magma breaks through and we have a volcanic eruption.

As Pluto conjoins Saturn in the coming few years, we will experience a dramatic amplification of the above-mentioned struggle in society. Pluto brings about transformation through the volcanic eruption of repressed psychic contents. When Pluto is active in collective or personal events, an old order dies and falls away, and a new way of life emerges from the debris.

A  preview of what is to come often shows up symbolically in events like the eruption of   Mount Agung. How do we know that?  Just take a look at the chart of the Last Quarter Moon drawn for the co-ordinates of Mount Agung. Notice how significantly it aligns with the angles (specific for a place)  while also making a hard aspect to the Saturn-Pluto conjunction.  Pluto's archetype is destructive, but sometimes, destruction is necessary for the seeding of new life. This then is the essential message of the upcoming Saturn-Pluto conjunction.
