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Solar Eclipse and the Hungary Boat Accident

Neptune – Lord of the Waters

At least seven people have died and 19 are missing after a boat capsized on the Danube river in Hungary's capital Budapest, state media reported. Thirty-three people, mostly tourists from South Korea, were on board the boat when it was hit by another vessel while moored, the MTI news agency said. The incident occurred at about 22:00 local time (20:00 GMT) on Wednesday. The Danube river, a popular draw for tourists, had swelled due to heavy rainfall, causing strong currents.

The horoscope of Hungary as provided by Nicholas Campion in his  "The Book of World Horoscopes," [1] is reproduced here. Our attention is immediately drawn to the Saturn-Neptune-Jupiter configuration aligned with the horizon axis. 

The upcoming eclipse of July 2, 2019 at [10cn] falls exactly on Jupiter [10cn]. Eclipses are known to be activated before their actual occurrence when a transiting planet moves over the eclipse degree. On May 29, transit Mars [9cn] is triggering the eclipse and the Saturn-Neptune-Jupiter configuration aligned with the horizon axis.

In the current context, Saturn-Neptune is water related (Neptune) deaths or tragedy (Saturn).
