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Symbolic meaning of the total Solar Eclipse of July 2

Some of the world's biggest footwear firms are urging Donald Trump to end the US trade war with China, warning of a "catastrophic" effect on consumers. In a letter signed by 170 companies, including Nike and Adidas, they said the President's decision to lift import tariffs to 25% will disproportionately impact the working class. They also warn that higher levies threaten the future of some businesses. May 22;

Astrologers regard eclipses as powerful turning points especially if they occur within +/- 6 degrees of a sensitive point. The upcoming solar eclipse[10cn]  of July 2 (already active) falls within just three degrees of the US Sibly Sun [13cn] placed in the 8th house which rules trade and financial relationship with other countries. 

Moreover the eclipse is conjunct the stars xi (ξ) Gemini, Alzirr  and gamma (γ) Gemini, Alhena in the feet of the Twins (and by association to shoes!). The feet have a long association with humility. Touching the feet of elders is an age-old Indian tradition that is considered to be a mark of respect. Indians believe that when a person bows down and touches the feet of their elders, their ego gets suppressed as this gesture indicates respecting the age, experience, achievements and wisdom of the person whose feet are being touched. Might the eclipse be suggesting a need for humility in the trade war.  Also since the eclipse is conjunct the TNPs Hades [8cn] and Kronos [11cn] there is a suggestion that holding on to strong opinions (Kronos) is a possible reason for the decline (Hades) in trade and business relationship (8th house).

Readers whose birthdays fall in early July may like to think about what the foregoing might mean symbolically for them. A look at the meaning of the stars Tejat and Alhena  that form the backdrop to the eclipse and the two TNPS may offer additional insight.

Tejat will bring out to be seen that which has been suppressed, oppressed, hidden, in the closet, but destined to be. Alignments with the foot of Castor can indicate hiding in the closet or in one's own mental obscurations and illusions. Tejat indicates that it is time to come out of hiding, to become visible, to stand forth in the limelight to be seen, and to make self available or approachable. Tejat indicates it is time to claim one's role in the physical world, and to take the steps required for physical unfoldment and participation in the physical world. It is time to do what is required. 

Tejat will bring forth that which has been suppressed to be seen and in doing so may draw experiences that are reflections of parts of our selves that seem rather dark and opposing to our unfoldment. Forces of the mortal world may indeed be out for our demise, but they are our worthy opponents, for they reflect the fears, hesitancies, and blockages within our selves to step through into our paths of fulfillment in the world. Tejat asks that us be willing to walk through the shadows of self to claim our power and place in the physical world. 

Alhena, the left foot of Pollux, lies in the midst of sidereal Gemini. Alhena is the brand, or mark. Alhena represents "commencement" and inspires us to act on our greater soul truth and purpose. Alhena is a marking stone for the unfoldment of what is ahead. It can indicate a separating of the ways is at hand. Alhena indicates a milestone or a turning point has been reached and indicates the need to get off of the fence of indecision, to drop any hesitation, as the "time is at hand" to go forth anew. As the brand, Alhena also indicate that the time, events, or relations are marked or destined. Alhena may indicate the need to sign a document or legalize a project, involvement, or commitment. It is the consecration of our commitment that anchors the etheric vision of our soul truth into the physical plane to become realized truth. This concretization prepares for a greater event yet to come.

Alhena is the dividing star of the sign of Gemini and indicates a separation, a leaving, a departure, and a commencement, even an exodus or liftoff. Behaviorally, it is leaving an older or lesser ways of participation, one more associated with mortal, terrestrial, and often fractious and obstreperous, even boisterous ways associated with Castor (embodied by conjoining Mebsuta), to the spiritual maturity of Pollux the ambassador.
