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Taiwan legalizes gay marriage

Roman fresco wall painting of the divine lovers Venus and Mars, from Pompeii

Taiwan's parliament has become the first in Asia to legalise same-sex marriage following a vote on Friday. In 2017, the island's constitutional court ruled that same-sex couples had the right to legally marry. Parliament was given a two-year deadline and was required to pass the changes by 24 May. May 17

The news from of the legalization of same-sex marriage comes just as the Moon is reaching its fullness on May 19. At Taipei, the Full Moon is very significantly placed on the horizon axis implying that its message would be revealed strongly at this place. Moreover, the Full Moon aligns with the prominent VENUS-MARS opposition in the national chart of Taiwan ( Jan.1, 1912; 0:00 hrs). Astrologers recognize Venus-Mars to be associated with sex.

Sex has two basic aspects: procreative and non-procreative or social. The former corresponds to Taurus, the latter to Scorpio. Sex, as a strictly biological factor is symbolized by Taurus, the Bull — a hieroglyph of fertility and male strength. The sign Scorpio is the polar opposite of Taurus. It represents, not the procreative sex but the urge in the individual to merge in absolute union with other individuals in order to constitute together a greater organic whole.

In  the zodiacal Sign Scorpio  the sex-force in Scorpio is not to be considered as a progeny-building force, but as a means to reach liberation from the narrow limits of self; to reach an ecstasy in which the individual becomes more than himself.  It is the non-procreative, social and – yes — mystical sex of maturity which is a yearning for self-forgetfulness and union through another with a greater whole, and even with "God" — as the Orient and most secret traditions well understood [1] .

About the Full Moon of May 19 Scorpio, Nick Fiorenza writes:

Our Full Moon brings realization to the essence of our Cetus-Aries New Moon. It emphasizes pursuits that lead to greater self-mastery and self-empowerment, which can include physical and spiritual disciplines or shamanistic-like practices that improve physical health, facilitate healing and that illumine awareness. It also brings emphasis to address patterns of avoidance or fears to relinquish diminishing modes of living, or fabricating reasons justifying disempowerment and inaction by blaming external conditions. This requires determination and conviction to willingly choose to live authentically and from true heart's passion.

Ultimately, if we pursue a level of personal metamorphosis and self-mastery beyond the common person, we experience an inversion of our perception. We no longer experience ourselves as being entrapped and suppressed by forces that seem to be outside of self, bound by our 3D realmspace. We establish the capacity within self to express outwardly through the will of intent so as to direct the creative forces  (includes sexuality) of life—from the inside out—to consciously steer our creative power to manifest a new reality for ourselves.

Finally, let us remember that as the Moon reaches fullness, Venus is conjoining Uranus signaling  a moment of dramatic change, revolution, or independence, or inventiveness for all things related to Venus: love, relationships and friendships.

In light of the foregoing Taiwan has done well in its response to the Full Moon challenge.

[1] The Pulse of Life; Dane Rudhyar
