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US Women For ‘Sex-Strike'

The actor Alyssa Milano ignited a social media storm with a call for women to join her in a sex strike, to protest against strict abortion laws passed by Republican-controlled state legislatures. The star of Charmed and Melrose Place urged women in her tweet to stop having sex “until we get bodily autonomy back”. May 11

The Hamburg School of Astrology, also called Uranian Astrology, a sub-variety of western astrology adds eight hypothetical trans-Neptunian planets (TNPs) to the normal ones used by western astrologers. In this post we shall see how adding the TNPs to the US Sibly helps explain the news very elegantly. Notice the conjunction of Kronos-Cupido-Pluto in the 2nd house of the Sibly. The TNP Kronos is about laws, while Cupido deals with issues connected to family. The planet Pluto refers to attempts at control. When put together it is clearly referring to laws that attempt to control issues connected to family.

As the news reaches us, Venus is transiting through the Sibly 5th house forming a square (90 degrees angular separation that symbolizes a crisis) to the conjunction of Kronos-Cupido-Pluto.
Skyscript gives the issues ruled by the 5th house [1].

Lovemaking, sex, procreation and conception; social issues related to children and society's views on sexual issues or promiscuity.

But why is Alyssa Milano  calling for women to join her in a sex strike. The answer to that comes from the TNP Hades placed in the 11th house which squares the conjunction of Kronos-Cupido-Pluto in the 2nd house of the Sibly. Martha Wescott interprets Hades-Kronos as “disgust with laws”. But more revealing is the star Iota (ι) Virgo, Syrma, a star in the train of the Virgin's dress which is conjunct the TNP Hades. About this star Nick Fiorenza writes:

Syrma, which I dub the "Star of Atlantis," lies under the skirt of the Virgin and marks the knee of the Virgin. Syrma resonates with issues relating to frozen genetic coding and the resultant crystallized emotional patterning incurred due to devastating or cataclysmic events of the past, especially incurred from the controlling use of resources to obtain power over others. Syrma provides inspiration for personal change and transformation, and articulates our need to unlock our frozen genetic coding and crystallized cellular makeup that keeps us stretched out of the present. Syrma alignments can bring deep-seated emotional patterns to surface awareness so we may clear them, especially suppressed grief, guilt or remorse related to the use of power. Syrma also inspires the application of art-sciences that can aid in this process, freeing ourselves from these imprints passed on through generations or lifetimes.

More simply put, the Virgin refuses sex  (is frozen) for fear of being controlled!
