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Jupiter-Neptune: Failure following overextension

Deneb Kaitos : Thrashing tail of the monster

Iran averted all-out war in the Middle East at the last moment when the Central command and control operational room of its Army and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) ordered not to shoot down a US Navy anti-submarine warfare, Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance Poseidon P-8 . Unusually, there are 38 on board the P-8 aircraft which requires a crew of 9. There were a minimum of 6-8 officers on board (2-3 Col, 3-4 Lt) and the remaining crew likely held grades under Lieutenant. The plane was flying within range of Iranian missiles over Iranian waters when Iran’s central command and control received confirmation that the US would not go to war or hit any target in Iran. 

Expansive Jupiter and delusional Neptune, two of the most idealistic and no-limits planets,  lock into three tension-fueled squares (90-degree angles) in 2019. On  June 16, the second of the three squares sets up a  cosmic clash that  stirs up confusion and delusion, snapping us out of denial with uncomfortable but necessary reality checks. Most often there is overextension followed by failures.

But  since Jupiter and Neptune are slow moving planets the square is active in roughly the entire period of  June and July. Moreover, at Washington DC, the current New Moon chart, the Cancer Ingress chart as well the US Sibly solar return have the square prominently placed on the angles implying that the US will definitely feel its influence.

The following key phrases describe possible manifestations of the Jupiter-Neptune square.

Unrealistic risks. Risks completely divorced from reality. Leaping into the unknown. Let down by reality.

With the current situation in the Gulf, is the US taking unrealistic risks that many observers think could lead to war that could shut down the world economy?

Today, the 25th of June, the Moon reaches its Last Quarter phase. A chart for this phase at Washington DC, has the Sun-Moon square straddling the horizon making a hard aspect to the Neptune-Zeus midpoint. Martha Wescott gives the following delineation for Neptune-Zeus:

Neptune-Zeus: to retreat or withdraw from anger; to learn the effective use of restrained passivity – the usefulness of yielding.

Dane Rudhyar called the last quarter Moon a crisis in consciousness. A time where we need to go within and come to a crossroads to finish up the Moon cycle. During the Last Quarter's waning square, we're prompted to find a new direction. The "something wrong" is generally inside, the change requires a mental adjustment, some shift in our thinking, our intentions, or beliefs.

Nick Fiorenza describes the dynamics of the star that conjoins the Last Quarter Moon thus:

The Moon is conjunct the star beta (β) Cetus, Deneb Kaitos,  in the tail of the Whale, or Sea Monster. As we enter the second decan of sidereal Pisces, we quickly enter deeper and more turbulent waters, articulated by Cetus the Sea Monster, which lies submerged under Pisces, and with its head reaching up upon the desert shores of Aries. Cetus is the sea monster about to devour Princess Andromeda in the story of Andromeda and the Royal Family. Cetus articulates the fear-instilling techno-bureaucratic monster of collective human consciousness. Deneb Kaitos (Diphda) and Iota form the thrashing tail of Cetus. Deneb Kaitos, although the Beta star, is brighter than Menkar, Alpha Ceti, which mark the jaws of Cetus. Deneb Kaitos creates a strong emotional turbulence, bringing the potential to get knocked down and thrashed around due to the inability to lift one’s self above the dramatics of the intense psycho-emotional forces of the human world and its bureaucracies. The stars of Cetus contribute significantly to the energetic of sidereal Pisces.

Also conjoining are Eta and Theta of Cepheus, and Eta Horologium. They impel a warning, a sense of impending time and the need for aid to slip by the dangers of the thrashing tail. They can also indicate an emotional barrier to cross or an emotional tension to relinquish. They make us aware that emotional and psychic clarity is of issue. The challenge is  to participate in the world without being reactively dragged around by emotion, how to lift self from drowning in our emotions or in the emotional dramatics of others.

By refusing to be drawn into a war with Iran despite the efforts of Bolton and the neocons, Trump has so far reacted well to the challenge being presented by the stars.
