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Mars and the Cancer Ingress chart at Tehran

Tensions between the US and Iran flared on Thursday when the Iranian Revolutionary Guard shot down an American drone that was said to have flown into Iranian airspace (the US claims the drone flew over international territory). The drone was reportedly flying over the Strait of Hormuz - that critical chokepoint for the global oil trade - not far from where two oil tankers were recently attacked. June 20

In mundane astrology, the cardinal ingresses of the Sun have a traditional reputation as important mundane events. The Sun will enter Cancer to-morrow, an important event referred to as the Summer Solstice. A chart for the ingress at Tehran has a powerful T-square aligned with the meridian.  Regular readers may like to compare the current Cancer Ingress with the last cardinal Aries Ingress. Notice the similarity.  The same T-square aligned with the meridian. Here is an extract from a  previous post [1].

The current Aries ingress chart at Tehran is shown here. Notice the powerful Grand Cross aligned with the meridian.

The South Node of the Moon symbolizes past patterns of behavior that have outlived their usefulness and need to be discarded. Here the South Node is conjunct Saturn-Pluto amid stars of the Archer and the Eagle both easily recognizable symbols of war.  Adding to the theme of war is the TNP Zeus on the MC which Martha Wescott links to the military.

In the Cancer Ingress, the TNP Zeus also completes a T-square with Saturn-Pluto-South Node opposition as in the Aries ingress chart. The additional planet here is Mars – the god of war. Martha Wescott delineates Pluto-Zeus  as under:

Pluto-Zeus: Events associated with fire, weapons or general tension in the world.

It should be obvious that the shooting down of the US drone by Iran has been “caused” by the transit of the war god Mars over the already tense  Saturn-Pluto-South Node opposition which I wrote about here [2]

[1] Iran’s diplomacy may avert war
[2] Critical planetary configuration June 12 – 21
