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Boris Johnson wins race to be PM

Boris Johnson has been elected new Conservative leader in a ballot of party members and will become the next UK prime minister. He beat Jeremy Hunt comfortably, winning 92,153 votes to his rival's 46,656. The former London mayor takes over from Theresa May on Wednesday. In his victory speech, Mr Johnson promised he would "deliver Brexit, unite the country and defeat Jeremy Corbyn". July 23

The zeitgeist  is a concept from 18th- to 19th-century German philosophy, meaning "spirit of the age" or "spirit of the times". It refers to an invisible agent or force dominating the characteristics of a given epoch in world history.

A "zeitgeist theory of leadership" stresses that leaders do not become leaders by fate or accident. Instead, these individuals, like other things, are  a product of the "zeitgeist".

The horoscope of Boris Johnson (b. 19 June 1964) as provided by Astro-Databank is reproduced here. His current Primary Direction (Van Dam) has his progressed MC conjunct radix Uranus which is conjunct Pluto and opposite Saturn.

In his book Cosmos and Psyche, Richard Tarnas traces the Uranus/Pluto conjunctions and oppositions  to show how this cycle corresponded to radical mass movements for freedom.  Uranus is The Great Awakener, the archetypal symbol for individual freedom and creative ideas and Pluto is the symbol for power and mass upheavals.

The  Uranus-Pluto conjunction of the  mid 1960s coincided with the volcanic eruption of revolutionary and emancipatory impulses, accelerated historical change, social and political turmoil. Much like past axial alignments in the Uranus-Pluto cycle, such as the French Revolutionary epoch of 1787–98, though in this most recent case with greater global extent and intensity, the 1960–72 period brought an overwhelming and often violent collective drive to make the world radically new.

Boris Johnson being a product of the  “Uranus-Pluto Zeitgeist” will  be a party to the mass upheaval that the Uranus-Pluto combination is famous for whether he likes it or not. The Uranus-Pluto conjunction of the 1960s is now passing through its First Quarter square phase.What began in the 1960s, roughly over the period from 1962 to 1973, is returning, not as a repeat of what happened then, but as the next phase of manifestation. Events and developments that occurred  about 50 years ago were the seeds for what is emerging assertively into concrete form in the 2010s.

His Wynn Key Return chart for today when he has been chosen as the Prime Minister of UK has the Saturn-Pluto-South Node conjunction in Capricorn on the MC.  This combination marks the ending of an era.

 He will, therefore, preside over an ending of all that no longer supports the evolutionary requirements. It could be a creative destruction that opens the way for a new beginning, but nevertheless it  will feel formidable. He may not do this consciously but his tenure will see the dismantling of long held political  ideas and hierarchies.

PS: The solar eclipse of July 2 has for its Sabian symbol “A CLOWN”.  An eclipse is effective for +/- 6 months from the date of its occurrence. So this was active during  the Ukranian election in April when Volodymyr Zelensky, the TV comedian was elected as President and also now (falling on the MC of Boris Johnson’s chart) when another “clown” has been chosen as PM. Coincidence!


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