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Solar Eclipse and the Kolkata Metro accident

A Kolkata metro passenger died on Saturday after his hand got stuck in the train door. The incident took place in the evening around 6:40 pm at the Park Street metro station. The man was trying to board the train and was on the platform outside when his hand got stuck. The door, equipped with sensors, is believed to have malfunctioned. The man, identified as Sajal Kumar Kanjilal, was taken to a hospital nearby where he was declared brought dead. He was 66 and a resident of south Kolkata. Jul. 14

Tragedies like this one offer an opportunity to look at the deeper reasons behind what might be considered just an unfortunate event. To begin the analysis we first look at the chart for the Total Solar Eclipse of July 3 at Kolkata. The eclipse itself fell in the third house[1] which among other things rules:

The transport system and all means of inland transit, locomotion or communication, such as railways, road and river traffic, cars, underground networks, etc.

But more significant is the configuration Mars opposite Pluto-Saturn aligned with the meridian in paran aspect to Uranus [5ta] on the Ascendant. Rising with Uranus is the star Gamma (γ) Cetus, Kaffaljidhma [9ta] [2].

Gamma (γ) Cetus, Kaffaljidhma, is a double star, 3.6 and 7, pale yellow and blue, under the left eye of the Sea Monster. Kaffeljidhma, Al Kaff al Jidhmah or Al-Kaff al-Jadhma' (1), "The cut-short hand", (reaching from the Pleiades) is the Arabs' name for the whole group marking the Whale's head, but in modern lists is exclusively applied to this star. Those in the head are; alpha (Menkar), gamma (Kaffaljidhma), delta, lambda, mu, xi ¹and xi2, were Al Kaff al Jidhmah, "the Part of a Hand", from a fancied resemblance to their "Stained Hand", our Cassiopeia.  [Star Names, Their Lore and Meaning, Richard Hinckley Allen, 1889].

In his book The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin describes the interaction between Mars-Pluto-Uranus thus:

Sudden disasters or calamities of great consequence.

On July 13, transit Sun [21cn] had reached the partile opposition to Pluto [22cn] triggering the combination. A chart drawn for the reported time of the accident has the Sun-Pluto opposition aligned with the horizon. Uranus [5ta] is on lower meridian [9ta] which is exactly conjunct  the star Kaffaljidhma – The Part of a Hand!

Incidentally, the unfortunate victim was a seller of magazines [3] at a local cinema hall. The third house also rules “newspapers, magazines” [1].
