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Ukraine On The Cusp Of Change

The thumping victory by the Ukraine President Vladimir Zelensky’s Servant of the People party, securing an absolute majority of 253 seats in the 450 member parliament, can be viewed as a tectonic shift in the geopolitical landscape of Eurasia. The next big party in the parliament will be the pro-Russia Platform – For Life, which secured 44 seats. The stunning rout of the pro-western forces symbolised by former President Poroshenko’s Solidarity party (24 seats).

In this post we examine the horoscope of Ukraine[1]  to understand the reasons behind the new developments. The most prominent alignment in this map is the conjunction of Uranus-Neptune-Node on the Ascendant and Pluto on the MC. In late 2013, (just prior to the Ukranian revolution of 2014)  transit Pluto reached a conjunction to Uranus triggering the Uranus-Neptune-Node combination.  

The Ukrainian revolution of 2014  in February 2014, was a series of violent events involving protesters, riot police, and unknown shooters in the capital, Kiev, culminating in the ousting of the elected Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukovych, and the overthrow of the Ukrainian Government.

The planet Uranus’ connection to revolutions is well known  while Neptune is the epitome of smoke and mirrors. It is the rose-colored glasses you wear when you idealize and perhaps even fantasize certain situations.  The Neptune archetype is, therefore,  associated with grand illusions  so  that its combination with Uranus can lead to revolutions  that cause mass entrancements. For the combination Pluto -> Uranus-Neptune, Ebertin gives the keywords, “great losses, calamities and catastrophes”. With optimistic Jupiter simultaneously  transiting opposite the radix Uranus-Neptune, unrealistic expectations were  at the core of  the violence unleashed by Pluto.

Now 5 years later, Saturn has  reached a conjunction to Ukraine’s  Neptune. Saturn and Neptune aspects are about knowing the difference between fact and fiction.  Saturn is  stripping  away illusions, along with whatever's been blocking Ukraine  from facing its unwanted realities.  Hopefully, this is when Ukraine uncovers truths that have likely been  right in front of them  the entire time.
