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Oval Office 'Gatekeeper' Fired

Hebe – cupbearer to the gods

President Trump reportedly told a group of reporters Friday afternoon before leaving for Camp David that he had fired his former secretary and Oval Office 'gatekeeper', Madeleine Westerhout, because she had made inappropriate comments about his relationship with his daughters.

The monthly rhythm of the Lunation Cycle (the cycle of relationship between the Sun and the Moon) is perhaps the most important planetary cycle. The ancients were well aware of this natural cycle, and planned and executed important activities according to its rhythm. While a New Moon is a worldwide event, its message is felt strongly at those places where it falls on the angles.  

A chart for New Moon of August 30 drawn for Washington, DC has it placed exactly on the Ascendant making a hard aspect to Pluto in the 5th house [1] which incidentally rules children.  Moreover, the Sun is conjunct the asteroid Hebe. Martha Wescott defines Hebe as under:

HEBE: Service personnel (waitresses, secretaries, receptionists, bartenders, etc.) [2]

Among keywords for Pluto, Jessica Davidson includes:

Manipulation; subversion; misuse of power [3]

Manipulation and subversion are  passive-aggressive ways of exerting control, since they avoid confrontation which Pluto fears might lead to total destruction. There is volcanic anger inside Pluto, most often kept out of sight, being sensed by others, but not often acted out.

Madeleine Elise Westerhout is the former Director of Oval Office Operations at the White House from February to August 2019. Prior to that, from 2017 to 2019, she served as the Personal Secretary to U.S. President Donald Trump. She resigned on August 29, 2019 after Trump learned she had shared details of the Trump family  and Oval Office operations with reporters during an off the record dinner earlier that month.

Pluto  is about all that is secret and undercover, that which is hidden from view. Secrets are power and someone revealing  your secrets is undermining your power.
