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Symbolic message of accident on US aircraft carrier

What makes astrology supremely relevant is that it discloses an unsuspected dimension of the world we think we know so well. It is as though we have become accustomed to see only the horizontal yarn of the weaving, the weft, and are largely unaware of the warp. We are accustomed to break down our world, in order to understand it, into certain categories, recognizing what belongs to this category, what belongs to that. That is ‘scientific’. However, astrology is about learning to think in new categories. It embodies a system of new categories that are as different from the ones to which we are habituated, as the warp is from the weft. In this system objects and events that at first sight appear to have nothing whatever to do with each other are shown to be intimately connected. Conversely, things we naturally tend to associate may be distributed otherwise in the astrological scheme. Understanding the world around us depends on our power to perceive patterns of meaning, to make the right connections, recognize what belongs with what. It is not easy. Unaided, it is as if we are looking at the weaving from the wrong side, and it seems a mess, but with the help of astrology we can see the design as it is meant to be. As the shuttle of the cosmic loom ceaselessly weaves its intricate design, astrologers have the responsibility, or rather the awesome privilege, to work towards restoring to humanity the sense of high meaning it has all but lost.”

Dennis Elwell, The Cosmic Loom

A landing mishap on the USS Abraham Lincoln in the Arabian Sea last week has left five of the ship’s aircraft needing repairs, four of which are F/A-18 E/F Super Hornets. Aug. 21

Since ancient times eclipses have been viewed as bad omens. They have been held to be responsible for lost battles and many other tragic events on Earth. Modern astrologers consider eclipses to be significant if they fall on a sensitive point in a nation’s chart. The lunar eclipse of July 16 fell on the US Sibly radix Pluto.

Pluto in astrology acts as a force for creative destruction. This term, creative destruction, was coined by the Viennese economist, Joseph Schumpeter. Schumpeter described creative destruction as, a “process of…mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the….structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, and incessantly creating a new one.” The chart of the USA (7/4/1776) also called the Sibly is undergoing a Pluto return i.e. Pluto returning to the position it occupied in the radix.  The Pluto Return is an extremely rare event. Since Pluto takes almost 250 years to complete one orbit around the Sun, no individual human being lives long enough to experience a Pluto Return. Not even close. Nations can, but few do. So, America’s Pluto Return is a singular event of potentially profound astrological importance.

In the USA Sibly chart, Pluto  in the 2nd house connects with an unconscious desire for power and control of resources.  While the exact Pluto return will be in 2022, an  eclipse falling on Pluto is like the first few drops of rain before a violent thunder shower so that events that happen now may go unnoticed as it may be difficult to relate them to the bigger events that are coming.

So what can  a small incident like the carrier mishap reported in the news be suggesting and how is it related to the lunar eclipse of Jully 16 that fell on the Sibly Pluto.  To understand that we need to know that astrologers consider an eclipse chart to be activated when progressions of the chart bring important configurations to an alignment with the horizon or meridian axes.

If we progress the eclipse chart at Washington, DC to Aug. 21, the date of the news, notice that the Saturn-Pluto-Node aligns with the horizon suggesting an event that would symbolically contain the meaning of the eclipse.

The South Node of the Moon symbolizes past patterns of behavior that have outlived their usefulness and need to be discarded. Here the South Node is conjunct Saturn-Pluto amid stars of the Archer and the Eagle both easily recognizable symbols of war. On the other hand, the North Node, which represents the way forward  is amid stars of sidereal Gemini linked to co-operation, trade and commerce. Saturn-Pluto is associated with constriction and pain followed by a rebirth of sorts. It can be very hard on those who have over-extended themselves. This is the time when anything false is likely to get forcefully deconstructed.

So on the Ascendant we have the stars of Aquila the Eagle and the Archer often pictured together as in the image above – a perfect symbol for a war plane. If we add to that the star  on the descendant - Canopus of the celestial ship Argo is it too difficult to imagine an aircraft carrier? A mishap on the carrier is essentially saying time to end wars to grab other people’s resources!
