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Israel caught spying on the White House

A shocking exposé in Politico reveals the Israelis have for years been planting spy devices near the White House. The report cites former senior US officials, who describe that forensic analysis of recovered cell phone surveillance devices point back to Israeli intelligence, which is believed to have conducted the operation for the past two years. Sep. 13

In the previous post [1], I linked (a) the Russia-Europe reset of ties (b) a new understanding of 9/11 (c) the firing of John Bolton and a possible new approach to Iran etc. to the activation of the long term Jupiter-Neptune square by faster moving planets in September.

Events on earth are driven by the energies provided by the planets. To better understand these energies, astrologers routinely cast horoscopes for exact planetary aspects. While the effect of these aspects are worldwide in scope, those places where the planets occupy the angles are the ones most affected. Squares are dynamic aspects that give us the drive to succeed.  In this case, facing and dissolving (Neptune in Pisces) of core beliefs (Jupiter in Sagittarius) that keep us from moving forward and realizing the truth allowing us to see more clearly the errors in our beliefs are and then embarking on correcting them [1]

Presented here is the chart for the exact Sun-Neptune opposition of Sep.10 drawn for the mid-point between Tel Aviv and Washington DC. As regular readers will know, Neptune is associated  with deception, deceit, lies and with Mars (which is also opposite Neptune) it can relate to aggressive actions (Mars) that are secretive (Neptune).

Will this discovery help Trump to action against Israel? Hardly likely. The purpose of the stars is to let us know what needs to be done. But the stars do not take away our free will. Knowing that you are wrong about something doesn’t help unless you take action to correct the error.

[1] On The Cusp Of A New Understanding


  1. "Knowing that you are wrong about something doesn’t help unless you take action to correct the error."

    LOVE it Javed 👌


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