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‘Lost’ Picasso revealed

The machine vision technique, called ‘neural style transfer’, can distinguish paintings by different artists before then reproducing an image according to their distinct style. “We present a novel method of reconstructing lost artwork, by applying neural style transfer to x-radiographs of artwork with secondary interior artwork beneath a primary exterior, so as to reconstruct lost artwork,” Anthony Bourached and George Cann explain in their study ‘Raiders of the Lost Art’.

The research paper Raiders of the Lost Art was published on Sep. 10 when the Sun [17vi] formed an exact opposition to transit Neptune [17pi]. A chart for the Sun-Neptune opposition at London has the TNPs Kronos-Hades on the MC.  Martha Wescott delineates  the combination as:

Kronos-Hades: famous historical figures.

On the MC is the star Tejat about which Nick Fiorenza writes:

Tejat will bring out to be seen that which has been suppressed, oppressed, hidden, in the closet, but destined to be seen.

Moreover, the Sun-Neptune  opposition aligns with Picasso’s [1] natal Uranus position [17v]. A keyword for Uranus is advanced technology [2].

While some keywords and phrases for Neptune are:

Mystery; secret; smokescreens; misty figures like ghosts; merging ; the ability to see beyond the finite [3].

From these keywords we can derive an interpretation for Uranus-Neptune:

Advanced technology reveals misty ghost like figures.

[2] Keywords for Uranus :
[3] Neptune’s Fog, Ghosts and Smoke
