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On Joe Biden and the Navy suicides

What makes astrology supremely relevant is that it discloses an unsuspected dimension of the world we think we know so well. It is as though we have become accustomed to see only the horizontal yarn of the weaving, the weft, and are largely unaware of the warp. We are accustomed to break down our world, in order to understand it, into certain categories, recognizing what belongs to this category, what belongs to that. That is ‘scientific’. However, astrology is about learning to think in new categories. It embodies a system of new categories that are as different from the ones to which we are habituated, as the warp is from the weft. In this system objects and events that at first sight appear to have nothing whatever to do with each other are shown to be intimately connected. Conversely, things we naturally tend to associate may be distributed otherwise in the astrological scheme. Understanding the world around us depends on our power to perceive patterns of meaning, to make the right connections, recognize what belongs with what. It is not easy. Unaided, it is as if we are looking at the weaving from the wrong side, and it seems a mess, but with the help of astrology we can see the design as it is meant to be. As the shuttle of the cosmic loom ceaselessly weaves its intricate design, astrologers have the responsibility, or rather the awesome privilege, to work towards restoring to humanity the sense of high meaning it has all but lost.”

Dennis Elwell, The Cosmic Loom

Following the release of a transcript betwen President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky - which does not reval a 'quid pro quo' or other attempts to pressure Ukraine into investigating Trump's 2020 Democratic rival Joe Biden, the Wall Street Journal's Kimberly Strassel took to Twitter to dissect yet 'another internal attempt to take out a president.' Sep.25

Three sailors have committed suicide in less than one week on the USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77), according to the vessel's official Facebook page. The cluster of deaths has shocked the Navy, raising new questions about why the suicide rate in the service has spiked in recent years. Sep.25

The worldview underlying astrology sees all of reality as symbolic in nature. To the symbolist, the heavenly bodies are threads within a great tapestry of affinities and correspondences. Elwell has defined the term multicongruence as  the tendency for certain things and conditions to co-occur because they belong together at a higher, unmanifest level.

In this blogpost, we will show how the two above mentioned news events that would appear to be totally unconnected are linked through the US national chart – the Sibly.  

Let us begin by examining the current precession corrected Sibly solar return chart. Regular readers will recall that a chart is considered to be significant if major planetary configurations align with the angles (horizon or meridian axes).  In our case here, since a powerful T-square involving the Sun straddles the horizon axis, the Sibly return for 2019 is extremely significant.

The Sibly return Sun is opposite a Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn – the sign that rules authority and the paradigms imposed by those in power. Pluto’s stripping away process is programmed to destroy Capricorn’s false walls. The transit serves to expose the corrupt workings of the system - both the rationalizations that perpetuate the reality base, and the corrupt individuals, organizations, corporations, etc., who have learned to use the system to their self-serving advantage. This then is the case with Joe Biden’s corruption being exposed.

But what of the sailors who committed suicide? How an individual will respond to Pluto in Capricorn  is in direct correlation to his state of consciousness and the workings of his free will.  The liability of conformity to externally imposed paradigms  can come with a high price tag. People live tragic lives because they have been taught to believe that there is no other way for them to exist except to follow the rules laid down by authority figures. And of course, the military is a great example of an institution where one must follow rules.  With Pluto in Capricorn, such people are learning to separate from consensus based ideologies and lifestyles and to develop and align with internal authority.

When consciousness is anchored to external authority, the foundation is fragile and insecure and Pluto’s dismantling is met with struggle. It can unleash the depressed, repressed, denigrated, devalued, trapped, inhibited, grief stricken, hard done by, long suffering, or persecuted victim. The result of such self-infliction can produce ineffectiveness, pessimism, submissiveness, self sabotage,  and futility consciousness. Too, this inner orientation can prompt emotional and physical depletion, immobilization, paralysis, and self-destruction.

In order to make the shift into the paradigms of the coming age, all unfinished business must be resurrected in order for it to be exposed and evolved. Exposure and experience serves to generate the necessary awareness but unfortunately also results in  death for those who are unprepared.

Mundane charts (e.g. eclipse, ingress, solar returns etc.) are activated on the days the progressed angles align with significant planetary configurations. Presented here is the Sibly solar return progressed to Sep. 25, the date of the news. Notice how perfectly the T-square once again aligns with the horizon thereby triggering it.

But that is not all. The stars involved are extremely meaningful. The Sun [16cn] is conjunct the star Canopus [15cn]. Alpha (α) Carina, Canopus, is a white binary star in the Keel of the ship Argo Navis, the brightest star in the constellation of Argo Navis, the Great Ship!

Among events connected to  stars conjunct Pluto [22cp], Diana Rosenberg [1]  lists “guilt, depression, suicide”.

[1] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana K. Rosenberg (v.2, p. 498-500)
