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Saturn direct defeats Netanyahu

According to the preliminary results from the recent elections, Benjamin Netanyahu's right-wing party Likud has gained 32 of 120 seats in the parliament, while the opposition Blue and White alliance, led by Benny Gantz will be represented by 33 MPs. Sep.19

Many  events can be explained by what astrologers call the station point. This  term refers to the period when a planet slows down and stands relatively still before changing directions, and either starts going backward ("retrograde") or forward ("direct"). Think "station" as in stationary, in other words.

While many astrologers look to the station point primarily for what it tells us about when and where a planet is changing direction, stations possess another level of meaning that's often overlooked, and which could be even more important in symbolism than its role as a directional marker. Why? Because in the process of slowing down and grinding to a seeming halt, the influence of that planet is dramatically amplified.

The diagram above depicts Saturn’s movement in 2019 showing the dates on which it stations. The news of the loss of majority for Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party comes just as Saturn stations to go direct on Sep.18.

But why did it hit Netanyahu? Take a look at his chart. Saturn station [14cp] makes a square aspect to his radix Neptune-S.Node. (the transiting square is still in place in Nov.)

The hard angles of Saturn to Neptune – conjunction, square, and opposition – may bring disappointment and confusion. You may find it hard to achieve your goals or feel unsure about what you’re doing, and full of self-doubt and frustration.

A hard aspect  between Saturn and Neptune is about  knowing the difference between fact and fiction. So if we have been telling tales to ourselves or others or living a lie, we need to get ready for a reckoning.

Most often under a hard Saturn transit, what we  have put a lot of time and energy into building is now dissolving right before our eyes, something we’ve come to rely heavily upon now seems to have no substance at all. The question that Saturn square Neptune asks us to ponder is: what exactly is real? The answer may be difficult for some people to swallow as many of the things we base our careers, relationships and identity upon simply will not stand up to close scrutiny.
