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Saturn station and the Putin-Netanyahu synastry

Those winds just keep on shifting, no matter that the western press either doesn’t see them shift, doesn’t recognize them for what they are, or chooses to ignore them. But these winds bring tidings of a tectonic plate-shaking shift in the global political climate.

Synastry is a method of comparing two or more horoscopes This makes it possible to find the interaspects, i.e. the aspects between the planets and axes of one horoscope to another one. The method also shows where the planets in one horoscope fall in the other one and vice versa. Synastry can be used to compare all kinds of relationships.  It is an effective and easily understood method, and it can be combined with predictive methods such as transits. In this post we will use synastry to understand the relationship between Netanyahu and Putin.

Netanyahu (b. Oct.21, 1949) has his natal Neptune [15li] conjunct his South Node [16li]. Putin (b. Oct. 7, 1952) has his natal Sun [14li] conjunct his Saturn [17li]. Therefore, Putin’s Sun-Saturn combination is conjunct Netanyahu's Neptune-S.Node.

Saturn and Neptune contacts are about knowing the difference between fact (Saturn) and fiction (Neptune). The Saturn person’s role is often  to represent the sober but necessary truth to the Neptune person who may be into lies and deception.

Many  events can be explained by what astrologers call the station point. This  term refers to the period when a planet slows down and stands relatively still before changing directions, and either starts going backward ("retrograde") or forward ("direct"). Why is a planetary station important? Because in the process of slowing down and grinding to a seeming halt, the influence of that planet is dramatically amplified.

Saturn is stationing [14cp]  to go direct on Sep. 18.  Notice that this position squares (90 degrees aspect) Netanyahu and Putin’s planetary conjunction. A transiting square can be likened to a crisis or challenge. More specifically, Putin’s Saturn may be forced to deliver some harsh truths to Netanyahu’s delusional Neptune.

Transiting Saturn is not alone. It is moving together with Pluto and the S.Node (Ketu). This combination is impelling us to detach from patterns of behaviour related to provoking wars [1].

[1] Lunar Eclipse pushes for end to Israel wars
