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Uranus and Emmanuel Macron

Now joining the chorus of a possible EU independence from US is none other than Emmanuel Macron. In what seemed completely out of character perhaps, were Macron’s perorations which were eerily reminiscent of Charles De Gaulle both in their timing and sentiments. There was a clear message that the old Atlanticist geopolitical and economic global order has had its day. Lèse-majesté Indeed.

The horoscope of Emmanuel Macron is  available at Astro-Databank [1]. Currently his converse progressed Sun is within 2 degrees of a conjunction to the radix Uranus in the 9th house. Some keywords for Uranus are “change, disruption, revolution, non-coformity” [2]  

The reference below explains the meaning of Uranus in the 9th house.

Uranus in the 9th house in a natal chart gives a very rebellious mind which will actively search for his own truths, breaking from the patterns that society tries to teach them.

Notice how perfectly it applies to what the news item refers to as “completely out of character”.
