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CNN exposé at Full Moon

Having exposed the disturbing realities inside Facebook, Google, The New York Times, and The State Department; Project Veritas' James O'Keefe just hinted at what could be his biggest exposé yet...

The following is an extract from a previous post on CNN  dt. Sep 17, 2018 [1].

The Cable News Network was launched at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on June 1, 1980 at Georgia, Atlanta [1]. CNN’s horoscope based on this data is shown here.  The natal Sun in Gemini – a sign associated with communication and the news media makes a hard aspect to the Ascendant – Pluto – TNP Poseidon conjunction. In her book The Orders of Light, Martha Wescott delineates Pluto-Poseidon as under:

Pluto-Poseidon: to recognize the pervasive and invasive power of the media, advertising or ideologic propaganda; to see attempts to influence, control, dominate or manipulate people through these things. [2]

To find out what is going on  in this horoscope, we look at the most important  current solar progression – Progressed solar arc Sun [18cn] (now [19cn]) forming a square radix Pluto [19li]. The trigger for this solar progression is a powerful  square from transit Pluto [19cp] just past the radix Moon [17cp]. Pluto is moving through sidereal Sagittarius conjunct the star rho Sagittari, on the head of the Archer. The Sagittarian Centaur lives and breathes the Galactic Truth. In shooting his arrow of Truth, the Zen Archer destroys that which must die, the false truths and false gods of fear that lie hidden within self.

To this we simply add that now…a year later from the date of the above post,  CNN’s progressed Sun [19cn] completes an exact square with radix Pluto [19li]….and all this is now being activated by the Oct.14 full Moon (Sun [20li] opp. Moon [20ar] square Pluto [20cp] so that Pluto’s  action in dismantling lies is there for all to see! A Full Moon is linked to the illumination of something that was hidden…recall Buddha’s enlightenment at a Full Moon …Buddh Purnima.

[1] CNN Ratings Collapse
