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Iraq unrest at Pluto station

Prominent Iraqi Shiite cleric Muqtada Sadr, the leader of the Saairun coalition, called on the government to resign and open a way for snap elections amid anti-government rallies that are sweeping the country. Baghdad and other Iraq’s regions have been facing the protests since Tuesday. The protests have turned violent as the security forces used live ammunition, water cannons and tear gas to disperse demonstrators. The protesters call for the government to be dismissed. Moreover, they demand jobs, economic reforms and fighting against corruption. Oct.5

Tiny but powerful Pluto, the planet of truth and transformation, goes direct on October 3, 2019, after five months in retrograde. That sounds intense, right? Well, it is: When Pluto starts moving forward, all of our deepest desires and secrets will begin to surface.

While Pluto was retrograde, we were more inclined to turn inward and bury our deepest truths and wishes. But Pluto Direct is like a green light to confront the darkest parts of ourselves and others. This isn't a negative thing, but rather it's a way of bringing truth out into the light so it can be dealt with. This works as a catalyst on both personal and planetary levels, so we can all expect Pluto's powers to transform our lives in one way or another now.

Much like a volcanic eruption, Pluto station direct brings to the surface all that lying hidden or repressed in the individual or a nation’s psyche.

So why has Pluto station affected Iraq? In  the national chart of Iraq [14 July 1958; 7:00 am BAT], Pluto [21cp] has stationed exactly opposite the radix Sun [21cn]. Pluto’s transit through Capricorn is drawing  back the curtain to reveal the flaws, failings, and destructiveness of the government so that it can no longer be ignored.  It is  pushing for the dismantling of institutions that have become corrupt. The Sun also rules the leaders so that people’s anger is directed towards them. 

In case we still doubt that this is an example of Pluto’s power in action, take a look at Iraq’s precession corrected solar return progressed to Oct.5, the date of the news. Notice the perfect alignment of the Sun-Pluto opposition with the horizon axis.
