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Saturn teaches benefits of a humble disposition

Humility is not the boldest of personality traits, but it's an important one, studies find. And it's hard to fake. In their day jobs, research psychologists don't typically need safety goggles, much less pith helmets or Indiana Jones bullwhips. There's no rappelling into caves to uncover buried scrolls, no prowling the ocean floor in spherical subs, no tuning of immense, underground magnets in the hunt for ghostly subatomic particles. 

The nature of the message that eclipses bring is a function of the planetary alignments at the time of the eclipse, and where they occur in the eclipse chart. They offer a time to resynchronize our selves with the ever-changing cosmic currents supporting our evolutionary progression in consciousness.

The solar eclipse of Jan. 5, 2019 fell in the 5th house at Holland, Michigan, where Hope College is located. Inner authority is the province of the 5th house; this includes trusting and believing in oneself in all possible ways--confidence. With Mars or Jupiter here we can have too much of it, tipping towards overweening conceit . But here the eclipse is conjunct Saturn. Saturn in the 5th house teaches humility [1]. Adding to this is the Kronos-Hades influence placed opposite the eclipse.

KRONOS: Assessment of your own competency.
HADES: Denigration or putting down.

One meaning of the combination is simply put  - humility!

Now let us progress the eclipse chart to July 2, when the paper was first published [2]. Notice that on this date the progressed horizon axis aligns with the eclipse thereby triggering it into manifestation. 



The ceasefire agreement brokered by Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Thursday accomplishes very little outside of putting window dressing on a foregone conclusion… But it does signal the end of the American experiment in Syrian regime change, with the United States supplanted by Russia as the shot caller in Middle Eastern affairs….  the American misadventure in Syria was never going to end well—bad policy never does. For the American troops caught up in the collapse of the decades-long effort of the United States to overthrow the Assad government, the retreat from Syria was every bit as ignominious as the retreats of all defeated military forces before them. Oct.21

Why am I adding this postscript to the blog on Saturn and humility? Well for one thing the US Sibly Sun [13cn] is aligned with transit of Saturn-Kronos-Hades with Kronos-Hades conjunct the Sibly Sun. So the US is being taught humility…if it doesn’t learn the lesson it is humiliated.
