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India refuses to join the RCEP

India officially refused to join the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) following several days of heated negotiations on the issue during the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit in Bangkok (Nov.4). Prime Minister Narendra Modi is reported to have said, "The present form of the RCEP Agreement does not fully reflect the basic spirit and the agreed guiding principles of RCEP."

Among the greatest errors made by modern practitioners of astrology is the use of transits to explain events. This is somewhat like looking at the second hand of a clock instead of the hour hand to tell the time. In mundane astrology, the cardinal ingresses of the Sun can be likened to the hour hand of the celestial clock. Of these the Capricorn  Ingress chart (Capsolar) is considered by many astrologers to be the most important and often referred to as the Annual Chart. A mundane horoscope, such as an ingress chart, becomes very significant for a place when planets or planetary combinations occupy the horizon or meridian axes. Presented here is the current sidereal Capricorn Ingress chart for Bangkok, Thailand. Notice the alignment of a powerful Grand Cross with the horizon and meridian.  Here the Sun-Pluto-S.Node in Capricorn is placed very significantly on the descendant and square Uranus. The S.Node refers to habit patterns that we need to outgrow.

Did you know that countries are ruled by zodiacal signs? India is ruled by Capricorn [1] so that Pluto-S.Node in Capricorn affects India very strongly.

In astrology, the sign Capricorn rules structures that have been built over a long period of time.  Capricorn’s first impulse is to resist, mistrust, or reject anything new. New initiatives are initially assessed as confronting, threatening, and even hostile to the structures and status quo that have been previously established.

Self-preserving, fear-based, and resistant Capricorn is prone to the employment of lock-down remedies that will recycle and prolong struggle. The result leads to added suffering, loss, and depletion that perpetuates more “death”, rather than create fresh life.

What challenge does the Uranus square to the Pluto-Nodal axis bring? In the previous post I mentioned that Uranus is transiting over Alrescha, the knot of the ribbon tying the two fishes of Pisces together. Alrescha ties our past, articulated by the horizontal fish swimming westward towards earlier Pisces, with our desire to rise from it, articulated by the upward leaping fish on the Aries cusp.

Ebertin associates Uranus-Node with “political associations advocating reforms” and in probable manifestations he lists “sudden upsets” [2].  Uranus is opposite TNP Apollon (trade and commerce) [3]. Putting the pieces together, India having identified with the fish moving back to the past has chosen to dissociate itself from the RCEP.

To check whether the Capsolar was active on Nov. 4, the date of ASEAN summit all we need to do is progress the chart by the PSSR method to this date. Notice that the Grand Cross aligns with the angles on that date triggering its energies.

[2] The Combination of Stellar Influences; Reinhold Ebertin, p.200
