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OPCW Accused of Evidence-Tampering

Claims that President Bashar al-Assad’s forces have used chemical weapons are almost as old as the Syrian civil war itself. They have produced strong reactions, and none more so than in the case of the alleged attack in April last year on the opposition-controlled area of Douma near Damascus in which 43 people are said to have been killed by chlorine gas. The United States, Britain and France responded by launching airstrikes on targets in the Syrian capital. Were the strikes justified? An inspector from the eight-member team sent to Douma has just come forward with disturbing allegations about the international watchdog, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, which was tasked with obtaining and examining evidence.  15 Nov. 2019;

According to reports the chemical attack took place on 7 April 2018, at 4:30 pm UTC [1]. A chart for this data drawn for Douma is shown here. As always planetary combinations on the angles are the ones to focus on. Here we have a T-square comprising Uranus-Pluto-TNP Zeus aligned with angles – a combination commonly associated with violent events. In the last couple of days transit Mars has been moving over the Ascendant [25li] bringing the configuration to life. Among other things an activated Uranus-Pluto brings to light things that have been repressed or long forgotten.

There is yet another way to analyze the chart. We first make the current solar return chart for the attack and then progress it to Nov. 15, the date of the news. What do we have? Mars [5ge] is on the MC in hard aspect to a Zeus-Saturn-Pluto square. Since Saturn is the planet of karma, astrologer Steven Forrest says that under Saturn-Pluto we all get what we deserve.

For events connected with the stars in the constellation of the Lyre-Vulture that form the backdrop to Saturn-Pluto, Diana Rosenberg lists “arrogant cruelty, exploitation and mistreatment of helpless people, ambush, murder”. She also adds:

This is a place that brings out what may be called the extraordinary courage of ordinary people. Steely courage and a searing, relentless conscience are the keys; they learn to become heroes of their own lives, patiently doing what is before them, facing down heavy odds, yet theirs maybe a “destiny of fire.”

There is a dark side: the Lyre-Vulture was originally a lammergeir, a bird that both hunts and scavenges; while the best are true blue idealists, lighting the way, pulling courage from themselves and honoring it in others, the worst may be cynical opportunists, seeking only their own advantage, closing their minds and hearts, accepting, allowing (even abetting) the suffering of others.

In other words, when activated these stars bring about events that highlight the contrast between self-interest and idealism.

Finally we look at the position of Mars on the MC. It is placed in the Chinese asterism Tíen-Tsan, the Celestial Slanderer (a whistleblower!) 
