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Solar eclipse affects Delhi air quality

India's top court has accused state governments of "passing the buck" on air pollution and failing to take action to tackle Delhi's toxic smog. Levels of dangerous particles in the air - known as PM2.5 - are at well over ten times safe limits in the capital. City authorities have responded by launching a car rationing system. Cars are not believed to be the main cause of Delhi's toxic air, with experts pointing instead to crop burning by farmers in neighbouring states to clear fields. Experts say emissions from vehicles are just one of several factors that have turned the city into - in Mr Kejriwal's words - a "gas chamber".

The cosmic clock ticking, as planets pursue their motion and form celestial patterns, provides a flavor, a meaning, or a message for each passing minute or for a whole epoch. Of all these transits, astrologers regard a solar eclipse as a momentous event which colors the period that follows for at least 6 months. While an eclipse is a worldwide event, it primarily affects those places where it falls on the horizon or meridian.  The total solar eclipse [10cn27] of July 2 fell on the lower meridian [15cn27] at Delhi. The eclipse is conjunct the TNPs Kronos-Hades which in this context roughly delineates as “decline (Hades) of the executive function (Kronos)”. Coincidentally, it is also conjunct the asteroid Phaethon (cars)!

In her Secrets of the Ancient Skies, Diana Rosenberg connects this area with “fires..smoke, fog and choking”. She writes:

This is the area of the Twin’s chests – lung problems, air contamination and environmental concerns are critical here: this was the Sun at the Seveso, Italy dioxin chemical poisoning disaster in 1976; Uranus at the notorious London smog of December 1952: a combination of fog and trapped furnace effluents formed a “poisonous, blinding, suffocating blanket of gas” over the city: an estimated 4000 died, another 8000 later of respiratory failure. This was Pluto at the Crile Hospital fire in Cleveland, Ohio, 1929 when gases from burning  x-ray films asphyxiated 124 people.

But what has triggered the eclipse now? Well look at the position of the transiting North Node [10cn]. It conjoins the eclipse degree [10cn] thereby activating it.
