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The Final Solution

Over 11,000 experts from around the world have banded together to call for solutions to the 'climate emergency,' including population control - which "must be stabilized—and, ideally, gradually reduced—within a framework that ensures social integrity." Nov.6

In mundane astrology, the cardinal ingresses of the Sun (entry into the  four cardinal signs, i.e. 00 deg of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn ) have a traditional reputation as important mundane events. On Sept. 22, the Sun entered Libra, so that we are now in the Libra quarter. A chart for the Libra ingress (autumn equinox) drawn for Corvallis, Oregon State University where the authors of the research are located is shown here. Notice the powerful T-square aligned very significantly with the horizon.

Mars’ square to the ongoing Saturn-Pluto conjunction is the big news.  Mars is the planet of war and when it faces off with Pluto, the planet of power, and Saturn, the planet of “realistic” limitations we have people recommending the use of force (Mars)  to limit (Saturn) population growth in ruthless (Pluto) ways. ( Lest we forget history, WW2 started under a Saturn-Pluto square and the "Final Solution to the Jewish question" -  the official code name for the murder of all Jews was first planned on 20 January 1942 at the Wannsee Conference near Berlin at a Mars-Pluto square).

Quite often the Saturn-Pluto combination represents crises that come about as the normal, lawful, and predictable manifestations of Saturn are challenged by the need for deep and fundamental changes in the system, which are indicated by Pluto. A Saturn-Pluto change is likely to impose some kind of restriction on our freedom or upon our resources. This is our "shrinking transformation."

Morally speaking, Saturn–Pluto reflects a lesson about the right use of power, so the combination is also associated with corruption and abuse. In the current context we are seeing instances of the few attempting to manipulate, dominate, and control the many by utilizing any and all means possible.

On Oct.5, the date of the publication of the Bioscience article, Mars and Pluto not only formed an exact square in the heavens but also straddled Pluto's  radix position on the descendant of the Libra ingress chart.

This is also a transit that evokes fear in many people. It is a scary transit at times and it can be a portend of danger. It can lead to outbursts or violent anger and  can also represent the moment in which a situation reaches its culmination, exploding, and giving rise to some new circumstance. There is always a danger of becoming a victim of another person’s aggression. (Mark what happened with the murder of the Mormon family in Mexico where the Libra ingress is more or less identical to the one at Corvallis)
