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Astrology of the Delhi fire

A massive fire at a six-storey factory in Delhi’s Anaj Mandi has caused the deaths of at least 43 people so far. The fire was reported at around 5.22 am, following which 30 fire tenders were rushed to the spot in Anaj Mandi on Rani Jhansi Road in Delhi. A fire official also confirmed that several people, who were trapped inside the factory, died after reaching hospital.

In mundane astrology, the cardinal ingresses of the Sun (entry into the  four cardinal signs, i.e. 00 deg of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn ) have a traditional reputation as important mundane events. So significant are these ingresses that their charts can be progressed to the date of an event and will invariably reveal the nature of the energies acting on that date.

Since we are currently in the Libra quarter, presented here is the Libra ingress chart at Delhi.  Notice the significant T-square containing  Zeus-Pluto aligned with the meridian. Martha Wescott  links Zeus-Pluto with “events connected with fires”.

Moreover, the stars that conjoin Pluto [20cp] have also been linked to “fires”. About these stars Diana Rosenberg writes:

Nan-tou’s “hsia” unicorn gorges itself on fire: these stars were transited at the 1666 Great Fire of London that destroyed 13,200 houses and 400 streets; at the start of the Great Fire of Moscow in 1812 that devastated the city during Napolean’s invasion; at the Great Boston Fire of 1872; at the start of the Great New York City Fire of 135 that leveled the financial district; in 1945 when Dresden was fire bombed by British and American planes and many others.

It is obvious from the foregoing that the stage was set for a fire. But then what triggered it on December 8?  Let us progress the ingress chart to December 8 by the PSSR method. For those new to astrology, the rule is that the chart is activated on the days when a progression brings major configurations to the angles (horizon or meridian axes).

Notice the the powerful T-square containing Zeus-Pluto is once again aligned with the meridian on Dec.8 triggering it into manifestation.

To complete the analysis, we add another detail. In the night just before the fire, the transiting Moon completed a square to Pluto and Zeus. At the exact time of the square the Moon-Pluto-Zeus configuration  aligned perfectly with the meridian.
