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Eclipse brings end to Sino-US trade war

Details emerged Friday from the U.S.’s first-stage trade deal with China, which marked a milestone in President Trump’s initiative to rebalance trade with Beijing but left questions over how far it goes to level the playing field for U.S. businesses. The limited agreement, capping months of sometimes-testy negotiations, calls for China to purchase more products from American farmers and other exports, U.S. officials said. In return, the U.S. put the brakes on new tariffs set to take effect Sunday and agreed to reduce some existing levies. Both sides termed it a “phase one” deal and said negotiations would continue on remaining issues. Dec. 13 

The cosmic clock ticking, as planets pursue their motion and form celestial patterns, provides a flavor, a meaning, or a message for each passing minute or for a whole epoch. Of all these transits, astrologers regard a solar eclipse as a momentous event which colors the period that follows for at least 6 months. While an eclipse is a worldwide event, it primarily affects those places where it falls on the horizon or meridian.

A chart for the upcoming Dec. 26, 2019 solar eclipse at  Washington, DC  aligns very significantly with the lower meridian. The eclipse is conjunct Jupiter trine Uranus. This in itself is considered to indicate a lucky (Jupiter) breakthrough (Uranus). But what is the breakthrough about? The TNP Apollon which rules “trade and commerce” [1] forms aspects to Jupiter and Uranus so that the lucky breakthrough concerns business.

The eclipse  forms a configuration known in astrology as a Mystic Rectangle [2]. A Mystic Rectangle is formed when two pairs of oppositions are sextile each other. The result is an aspect pattern that includes two sextiles, two trines and two oppositions. Mystic Rectangles usually result in a  struggle with the two Oppositions, see-sawing back and forth between the opposing planets. Once the point of balance has been found, however, it becomes increasingly easy to maintain, and a well integrated Mystic Rectangle can be the most unflappable of aspect patterns. Once  integrated a Mystic Rectangle, can become a solid foundation that can be a great gift in handling whatever else life throws up.

Hopefully, the energies thrown up by this eclipse will help the US reach a trade agreement with China in the coming months.

Finally, I would like to leave the readers with an interesting thesis to ponder about. It appears that celestial events  always work in perfect harmony much like the players in an orchestra. Here let me show how the July 16, total lunar eclipse carries the possibility of an end to the trade war thereby seamlessly integrating with the message of upcoming solar eclipse.

Notice that the July 16 lunar eclipse fell in the 8th house at Washington, DC. In mundane astrology the 8th house rules “financial relationship with other countries” [2]. The eclipse is conjunct the star Pollux, beta Gemini. About sidereal Gemini Nick Fiorenza writes:

Sidereal Gemini is of high intensity intellectual communication, information, commerce, goods and services, and of their exchange. The Twins are of partnerships in mutual cooperation participating in the human world, linking and uniting through their daily affairs in the world. The Twins work hand-in-hand for the betterment and evolutionary fulfillment of humankind.

Although the Twins are of communication and human betterment, they have in some legend been at odds with each other, a bit argumentative. Here is the Gemini trait of competitiveness, debate, arbitration, and negotiation, but ultimately leading to agreement and solution.

Eclipses are activated on days when the progression of the chart brings them to an alignment with the horizon or meridian. Notice that on Dec. 17, the progressed horizon aligns with the eclipse axis.

[2] Mystic Rectangle
