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Solar Eclipse and the US Impeachment drama

As was 100% expected, the House has voted to impeach President Trump (for abuse of power), who joins Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton as the only presidents to be impeached since the adoption of the Constitution in 1788.

Eclipses always occur on the New Moon or the Full Moon. They involve both the Sun, the Moon and the Lunar Nodes. The Lunar Nodes are the intersection where the Moon’s orbit crosses the Sun’s path. There is a South and a North Lunar Node. The Nodes are energetic vortices that take on the astrological energies of the sign in which they are positioned. Currently, the North Node is in Cancer and the South Node is in Capricorn. The North Node is said to be where society is going energetically and the lessons we as a collective are incorporating into our consciousness. The South Node is what we are leaving behind, especially the lower vibrations of the governing sign.

A chart for the upcoming solar eclipse of Dec. 26 drawn for Washington, DC is shown here. The eclipse Sun, Moon, Jupiter and the South Node in Capricorn are placed on the IC (cusp of 4th house) which rules the opposition party [1]. Opposite to this on the 10th cusp which rules the President [2] is the North Node in Cancer.

The South Node in Capricorn points to a misuse of power. Conjunct Jupiter magnifies the danger of overreaching, pride and self-importance. With all this in the 4th house, it is the opposition that is in danger of overextension. Since the North Node is where society is going while the South Node is what we are leaving behind, it is not too difficult to see why the American society will support the President.  

This Eclipse Season affords us room for growth, expansion, and continued evolution. The effect of Jupiter in a harmonious trine to Uranus which culminated last week still lingers for another week or so.  With no other major planetary alignments to dilute the effect of this wonderful trine, we can create real magic. Jupiter’s expansive influence can help us to more easily receive the consciousness that Uranus bestows when we can become unstuck from our outmoded thoughts and ideas.



The use of asteroids and TNPs  helps to pinpoint a few specifics. In the eclipse chart we have:
 Icarus [2cp] - Ophelia [2ar] – Hades [9cn] all forming hard aspects to the eclipse.

Martha Wescott provides the following definitions:

ICARUS: Escapes that are careless of consequences; desire to “get outta' here;” the fast break impulse; attraction to speed, danger or risk; desire to get away from restrictions (of aspecting points).

OPHELIA: A point of over-reaction and counterproductive reactions.

HADES:  debilitation or deterioration.

Icarus/Ophelia:  Because people are overreacting they take risks.  

Icarus/Hades: There is risk of a bad outcome.


  1. Hmmmm, as well, in Vedic Sidereal Jupiter Saturn and Mercury are invisible Dec til 25 Jan and early Feb.


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