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Astrology of India’s social unrest, Part II

Bridge across a deep gorge

Housewives, grandmothers and students in Delhi at centre of resistance to new citizenship laws. With a toothless grin and a clenched fist raised to the heavens, 90-year-old Asma Khatun chanted exuberantly. “Azadi,” she cried, using the Hindi word for freedom and joining a loud chorus that rang out across Shaheen Bagh, a neighbourhood in South Delhi that over the past few weeks has become a nationwide symbol of resistance.

Charts of nations have seldom been studied as deeply as individual nativities. But astrologers are beginning to realize that national charts can yield profound  insight into what is happening to a nation. Presented here is the chart of the Republic of India. In a previous post [1], I discussed the effect  of the solar eclipse on the MC of this chart. In summary, the eclipse was illuminating the great disparity between those who insist upon perpetuating an antiquated paradigm of conflict and domination, and the "cultural creatives" who herald a progressive personal and societal metamorphosis.

In this post we  look at a very significant transit of Uranus over the radix Moon [5ta44]. The horoscope of the Republic has a powerful Sun [7aq] – Moon [5ta] square. The Sun is in the 11th house which rules the  “parliament and long term national programs.” [2] The Sun itself stands for the rulers or those in authority. The Moon in general stands for the masses but more specifically it rules women.  A square aspect in astrology is considered inharmonious and stressful. The masses (and women) are resisting the laws enunciated by the national leaders in parliament.

Uranus the Great Awakener is lending support to the break-down of established patterns or structures that have out-lived their usefulness to replace them with creative new structures. Uranus brings with it a new way of looking at things, and its approach is best met with an expanded consciousness. Originality, inventions, computers, cutting-edge technologies and future events are all ruled by this planet. Uranus sees no need for the status quo, preferring instead to break with tradition and create a new mold. While the building blocks (science, electricity) are safe here, this planet would rather focus its gaze on a new world order. To that end, rebellion, revolution, dictators, an autonomous state and free will all fall under the aegis of this planet.

Looking at the Sabian symbol for the Moon can reveal the higher purpose of the Uranus activation. Dane Rudhyar’s commentary on the symbol is illuminating in the current context.


KEYNOTE: The conquest of separativeness through group-cooperation.

All great evolutionary challenges imply the overcoming of basic difficulties. A step ahead must be taken, yet an abyss confronts evolving man. A link must be built through the power of the collective mind of the group or of the community at large, on the basis of the legacy of the past, to make a bridge over the canyon. The man-made bridge built with collective skill gives substance to and demonstrates man's capacity to CONQUER OBSTACLES and to achieve evolutionary continuity as well as expansion in space.

To better understand the meaning of the symbol let us look at another piece of the jigsaw provided by the chart of the lunar eclipse of January 11 at Delhi. Notice that the eclipse axis aligns with the meridian implying that the eclipse has a significant message for the place. The eclipse Moon [20cn] is amid the stars of the Gemini Twins opposite Saturn-Pluto.

Sidereal Gemini often depicted as brothers hugging each other has been associated with the brotherhood – sisterhood of mankind. With a club (in Pollux’s left hand) and bow and arrow (in Castor’s right hand),  the Twins also stand for racial hatred and persecution. The constellation has been found to be active both in instances of religious or racial prejudice as well as in peaceful efforts to bring people together in recognition of their common humanity.

In Capricorn, Saturn-Pluto is power that is a  solid, visible, tangible reality. Like a wall. Like a cage. Like batons used against protesters. Pluto enforces Saturn’s authority. Capricorn represents social hierarchies and structures, with their increasing divides between those who have wealth, privilege and agency, and those who do not. But then again, if the misuse of power becomes radicalized, so do resistance, solidarity, and forms of organization between individuals. At the opposite end, the Gemini Twins hugging each other represent people coming together . People who are  no longer going along with toxicity, subjugation and  injustice. The masses are becoming  the Plutonian wrecking ball to Saturn’s obsolete laws.The resistance is dismantling outworn and ethically bankrupt structures to rebuild them anew.

This then is the connection to the Sabian symbol of the bridge being built across a gorge. Here the gorge represents the divide between the people of different communities but the eclipse with the Gemini Twins hugging each other is symbolically referring once again to the hope that a bridge will be built between communities that were so far separated.

[2] Astrology of India’s social unrest
