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Astrology of India’s social unrest

The Citizenship Amendment Act protests, also known as the CAA and NRC protests, the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill and National Register of Citizens protests, or the CAB and NRC protests, are a series of ongoing protests in India, against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA), which was enacted into law on 12 December 2019, and against proposals to enact a nationwide National Register of Citizens (NRC). The protests began in Assam, Delhi, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, and Tripura on 4 December 2019. In a few days, the protests spread across India, though the concerns of the protesters vary. The Amendment benefits Hindu, Sikh, Jain, Buddhist, Christian and Parsi refugees from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh who sought refuge in India before 2015; the Amendment leaves out Muslims and others from these countries, as well as refugee Sri Lankan Tamils in India, Rohingyas from Myanmar, and Buddhist refugees from Tibet.

The horoscope of a nation can carry embedded  messages that unfold over time often activated by eclipses that fall on sensitive points. Presented here is the chart for the Republic of India. Readers will note that the solar eclipse [4cp] of Dec.26, 2019 fell on the MC of this chart. About this eclipse Nick Fiorenza writes:

The New Moon produces a Lunar South Node (Ketu) eclipse that impels our departure from an antiquated societal modality and a rapid acceleration into an escalating transformative process occurring throughout the year ahead. It impels us to extract the wisdom from our previous experience while leaving behind any associated lower-order behavioral baggage. Attempting to carry antiquated baggage into the elevated evolutionary currents ahead is simply unwise and can result in an increase of internal discord and external turmoil in our lives. This departure may externalize in the world as greater disparity between those who insist upon perpetuating an antiquated paradigm of conflict and domination, and the "cultural creatives" who herald a progressive personal and societal metamorphosis.

The Jupiter South Node (Ketu) solar eclipse in Sagittarius and the North Lunar Node (Rahu) nesting amid the stars of the Gemini Twins create a directional current that impels us to embrace the wisdom the Jupiter Solar Eclipse delineates and to express that wisdom into Gemini's realm of cooperative interaction amongst humankind, in all facets of life, interpersonal and in business and commerce.

Sidereal Gemini often depicted as brothers hugging each other has been associated with the brotherhood – sisterhood of mankind. With a club (in Pollux’s left hand) and bow and arrow i(in Castor’s right hand), , the Twins also stand for racial hatred and persecution. The constellation has been found to be active both in instances of religious or racial prejudice as well as in peaceful efforts to bring people together in recognition of their common humanity.

As Nick Fiorenza mentions, the eclipse is on the South Node and therefore stands for past behavioral patterns that we need to get out of. Here in tropical Capricorn accompanied by Saturn and Pluto, we are being asked to discover the courage to question the dictates of consensus rule that allow for common acceptance of oppression and subjugation, and to think for ourselves beyond the brain-washing of mass media that reinforces herd consciousness. During Pluto’s transit in Capricorn, consensus groups that aim to uphold the system as is can grow more socially active, even militant, but we will also see a growing number of individuated types who reject and rebel against the system and its arbitrary definitions.

More specifically, the eclipse falls opposite Uranus [1cn] on the IC of India’s chart. If the 10th cusp (MC) rules the government, the 4th cusp (IC) rules the people. In his book, Mundane or National Astrology, H.S. Green writes:

Uranus in the Fourth House: This generally troubles the Government, putting many difficulties in their way either in Parliament or in the country….unpopularity with the people may tell against them in the country or contrary events may prove unfortunate for them. If afflicted ill feeling between master and man or between the upper classes and the masses.

Moreover, Uranus is conjunct the star Betelgeuse of Orion. About Betelgeuse, Nick Fiorenza writes:

Betelgeuse marks Orion's right shoulder. It inspires a sense of responsibility to dynamically respond to whatever is occurring in the moment. Betelgeuse will challenge existing systems or authorities to cut through whatever is in the way of solution. Physical constructive response is the hallmark of Betelgeuse.

In summary we may say that placed on the MC of India’s chart, the December solar eclipse may mark the beginning of the  end of a chapter in India’s history of social and religious intolerance.
