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Trump: Agent Of Chaos

In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order - Carl Jung

US Ambassador Kelly Craft wrote a letter to the UNSC on Wednesday, saying that the United States stands "ready to engage without preconditions in serious negotiations with Iran," media reported. The United States stands "ready to engage without preconditions in serious negotiations with Iran, with the goal of preventing further endangerment of international peace and security or escalation by the Iranian regime," the envoy of the United States to the United Nations said, according to Reuters.

Most people don’t understand Trump’s domestic and international intentions, believing that he and his team are “ruining everything” because they’re “hopelessly incompetent”, though the fact of the matter is that the President is an Agent of Chaos  and is deliberately working to undermine, tear down, and ultimately reform or outright recreate all existing institutions because he’s convinced that they no longer serve America’s interests and have instead been co-opted by its enemies, both internal and external.

Presented here are four charts for the fateful day (Jan.2) and time (2200 UT) of General Solemani’s assassination – (a) Event chart of the assassination (b) Iran’s progressed solar return (c) Trump’s solar return progressed by the solar quotidian method (d) US Sibly Wynn Key Return.

Notice that each of these charts carries the powerful Saturn-Pluto-Zeus configuration on the angles. Can that be a coincidence?  For those new to astrology, the horizon and meridian axes (angles) are where all the action takes place. Incidentally the upcoming lunar eclipse [20cn] falls exactly opposite Saturn-Pluto and completes a T-square with TNP Zeus.

The traditional way of interpreting charts is to focus on fated events. In a symbolic approach, however, events are still delineated, but no longer in terms of fixed outcomes; rather, they are interpreted as possibilities with the final outcome depending on one’s level of maturity. The planets are the characters—both inner and outer—which are motivated by specific concerns and have potentials for certain kinds of action. The tables below give the positive and negative potential of Saturn, Pluto and the TNP Zeus – the three prominent characters of the US-Iran story  Of necessity, conflicts arise, as reflected by hard aspects, which the life is then dedicated to resolving.

Here is how Martha Wescott delineates the interaction of  Pluto-Zeus:

Events in connection with weapons of mass destruction – and the use of weaponry (even of the emotional or psychological variety) to dominate, threaten or confront others; to organize large scale projects; to understand that the restraint of strong emotions, intentions or creative ideas adds to their power, their intensity – and the ability to develop and retain the focus and impetus necessary; events connected with fire, weapons or general tension in the world; to be psychologically canny and very aware of the motives and emotional undercurrents of others in order to handle potentially eruptive situations.

Understanding of basic principle of cause and effect; personal maturity.
Immaturity; not understanding the relationship between cause and effect.
Self-discipline & structuring.
Restriction; inhibition.
Self-restraint, stability, consistency.
Rigidity; inflexibility.
Dealing effectively with convention.
Inertia; fear of change; excessive conventionality.
Mature pragmatism.
Crass materialism; insensitivity to the non-material.
Awareness of the human capacity to create, grow, regenerate, and transform.
Fascination with one's power to change people and things; power plays and manipulation
Development and change.
Change enacted without consideration of consequences or impact.
Constructive building.
Demolition without rebuilding.
Self-restructuring. Also, furtherance of others' development, transitions, or changes.
Alterations made without adequate consideration of impact on self or on others.  Revenge from others whose personal interests are threatened by changes.
Collective resource management for the highest good of all.
Exploitation or abuse of shared resources for self-gratification.   Dealings with self-driven private interests who exploit public resources.
. . ZEUS
Creativity which serves larger social objectives.
Impersonal aggression.
Systematic organization of energies; directorship.
Attempts to threaten or coerce personally.
Disciplined action.
Self defense.
Combativeness; hostility.

With immature Saturn there is not enough planning and organization to direct the powerful energy of the Pluto-Zeus interaction so that demolition takes place without a creative project of rebuilding. On the other hand, when positive,  Saturn can direct the explosive energy into constructive building.
