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Volcanic activity portends upcoming financial collapse

To the magus, there exists no accidental happening…everything is established solidly by that law which the wise man discerns in happenings that appear accidental to the profane. The curve observed in the flight of birds, the barking of a dog, the shape of a cloud, are occult manifestations of that omnipresent, coordinator, the source of unity and harmony - Karl  Seligmann

The worldview underlying astrology sees all of reality as symbolic in nature. To the symbolist, the heavenly bodies are threads within a great tapestry of affinities and correspondences. Elwell has defined the term multicongruence as  the tendency for certain things and conditions to co-occur because they belong together at a higher, unmanifest level.  He points out that we are conditioned not to attach too much significance to coincidences that occur. However, anybody who follows the news carefully will not fail to notice that sometimes there is a run of “similar” events.

Why Are Volcanoes All Over The Globe Suddenly Shooting Giant Clouds Of Ash Miles Into The Air?

Astrologically speaking, the answer to this question is very simple. We are now in the midst of a Saturn-Pluto conjunction activated sharply by the lunar eclipse of Jan.10. In Roman mythology, Pluto is the lord of the underworld while Saturn is the founder of civilizations and of social order, and conformity.

 Metaphorically Saturn can be thought of as the hard rocky layer that keeps the boiling lava (Pluto)  of earth’s interior safely deep inside.  Compare that with the primal passions (Pluto) of human beings kept in check by the social order (Saturn).  

In his essay The Saturn – Pluto Conjunction, Maurice Fernandez [2]  writes:

Angular aspects between Saturn and Pluto are also known to reflect natural disasters, particularly seismic and volcanic activity.

What Triggers The Next Financial Collapse?
The Fed has reverted to all of the things that have created the underlying rot—and that means when finally things break loose, it’s going to be far worse than it would have otherwise been. Given that they’re kicking the can down the road, they’re building the pressure in the system to really explosive levels. 

Here is an extract from a previous post on the Federal Reserve’s horoscope.

In his excellent article The Horoscope of the Federal Reserve [1], Bill Meridian wrote:

On December 23, 1913 at 6:02 P.M., President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law (Chart 1 A at left). The time is well documented in many encyclopedias because it was one of the first live radio broadcasts from the White House. Historical accounts report that Wilson said that he was affixing his signature to the Act at the designated time.

The Fed's horoscope is dominated by three major axes or groupings:
1)            Mars and Neptune rising opposite Jupiter.
2)            The Sun opposite Pluto, both squaring the zero Aries Midheaven.
3)            The Moon in mutual reception with Pluto, the former ruling the Ascendant and the latter the fifth house.

The first grouping is descriptive of the Fed's tendency to inflate the currency. How could any entity with a hard Mars-Jupiter-Neptune aspect be expected to exercise restraint and maintain a stable currency? An insider tells me that these planets do describe the idealistic zeal or misguided ideas with which most Fed employees go about their jobs (note Neptune ruling the ninth house and Mars the tenth).

The Sun-Pluto-Midheaven T-square describes the Fed's propensity to accumulate power in a subtle fashion without the knowledge of most citizens (Pluto in the twelfth). As we shall see in the next section, the Sun's rulership of the second house is the Fed's ability to control the dollar value of all the country's assets, which, in fact, is accomplished by a fifth house method (Pluto's rulership).

Taking off from this article we look at the current transits to the Fed’s chart. Notice that Saturn/Pluto conjunction is transiting over the Mars-Jupiter-Neptune axis that Bill Meridian links to the “ Fed's tendency to inflate the currency.”

The  Saturn-Pluto conjunction is a rare and significant event. Starting at around Christmas of 2018, the conjunction  unfolds itself throughout the year of 2019, culminating on January 12, 2020.  Saturn-Pluto is associated with constriction and pain followed by a rebirth of sorts. It can be very hard on those who have over-extended themselves. This is the time when anything false is likely to get forcefully deconstructed.

In summary, the Saturn order is breaking down ….perhaps explosively under the pressure of Pluto!
