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Philippines Ends Military Cooperation with US

MANILA — The Philippines said Tuesday it had officially informed the United States that it was scrapping a military pact that has given the longtime American ally a security blanket for the past two decades.
The notice to terminate the pact, the Visiting Forces Agreement, comes as President Rodrigo Duterte has warmed up to China while distancing himself from the United States, the Philippines’ former colonial ruler. The move also comes as the Philippines has shown increasing reluctance to stand up to China over.  its territorial claims in the South China Sea Feb. 11

Synastry is the art of relationship Astrology. It is a fascinating and illuminating study of how individuals or groups interact with one another. No matter how hard we try we cannot get away from the issues that our relationship charts bring up. At any point in time progressed interchart  aspects between two entities can illuminate the issues involved in the interaction. The table below shows the US Sibly solar arc progressions to the chart of the Phillippines [1].


Dynamic Chart
 Sibly – solar arc progressions (Pos 1)
 4 Jul 1776 NS, 5:10 pm, LMT +5:00:39

Philippines - natal Chart (Pos 2)
 4 Jul 1946, 9:15 am, AWST -8:00

Selection: Solar Arc Dirns

P1 (H)      Asp          P2 (H)      EXL          Type        Date                        Pos1                       Pos2        
Sun (7)     Opp         Mon (1)   (X)           Sa-Na      20 Sep 2020            15°Pi56' D               15°Vi56' D
Sun (7)     Sqr           Lilith (4)  (X)           Sa-Na      29 Jun 2021             16°Pi42' D               16°Sg42' R              
Sun (7)     Opp         Cup (1)    (X)           Sa-Na      10 Jul 2022              17°Pi43' D               17°Vi43' D              
Sun (7)     Sqr           Minerv (10)(X)        Sa-Na      7 Apr 2023              18°Pi28' D               18°Ge28' D             
Sun (7)     Sqr           Ura (10)(X)              Sa-Na      22 Oct 2023            19°Pi00' D               19°Ge00' D             
*** END REPORT ***

Martha Wescott provides the following definitions:

CUPIDO: Issues in the family history; group unity or dynamics; comments on the home, residence or household themes; decor; artistry; sense for art; partner or family members.

MINERVA: Approval seeking; whether one is willing and/or able to do those things that will please another.

LILITH: Triangulation; competing; selection & rejection; decisions (regarding angle or aspects;) divided loyalties.

URANUS  the Great Awakener supports  independence. causing break-down of established patterns or structures that have out-lived their usefulness to replace them with creative new structures.

In her book, The Orders of Light, Martha Wescott delineates CUPIDO-URANUS thus:

Cupido-Uranus: Sudden or unexpected events in the family, partnership or group; ruptures with partners because of intolerance or a need to “live one’s own life".

The addition of the asteroids completes the picture. Lilith stands for triangulation or divided loyalties. Refusing to please (Minerva) the US, Philippines is cosying up to China and rejecting the US.

To complete the analysis, let us look at current solar return chart for the Philippines. Notice that the Saturn-Pluto-S. Node conjunction in Capricorn is placed very significantly on the MC.

Saturn in  Capricorn is all about control. But Pluto is a pattern disrupter and deprogrammer. Its transit through Capricorn is serving to destroy Capricorn’s false walls in order to expose the corrupt workings of the system. The Moon’s Nodes are linked to partnerships. More specifically, the S.Node indicates partnerships of the past that need to be released because they are no longer workable. Saturn, Pluto and the S.Node are placed amid the stars of the Archer and Aquila, the Eagle, both easily recognizable symbols of war and by association – the military. This combination, therefore, is asking for a release of past military alliances.

To confirm our analysis, let us progress the solar return chart to Feb. 11, the date of the announcement by Philippines. Notice that on this date the progressed Ascendant is beginning to line up with the Saturn-Pluto-S. Node conjunction square the TNP Zeus (linked to the military) – a military alliance is coming to an end.

The Sabian symbol [2] for the solar return Saturn and S. Node clearly indicates why the break up is taking place.


KEYNOTE: The protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order.

This symbol reflects conditions prevailing in the past when Great Britain's fleet was policing the seas under the international principle of the freedom of the seas. Times have changed, but the concept remains valid. Power is required to maintain social order and relatively peaceful interpersonal as well as international relationships. Alas, this power can easily be misused under the pretext of preserving "law and order." Justice and compassion must balance social power, and especially the power of privileged groups. Where this symbol appears, the need for protection may be in evidence — or it may be a warning against using power for selfish advantage.

This is the third symbol in the fifty-eighth five-fold sequence. It brings to us a realization of the ambivalence of POLITICAL POWER, its value and its dangers.
