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Putin breaks up OPEC

OPEC+ is no more, after a torrid 24 hours in which Russia overturned the balance of power in the oil world, leaving the members of OPEC+ dazed and confused, shocking Saudi which now faces social unrest with the price of oil far below Riyadh's budget, and - in a repeat of the Thanksgiving 2014 OPEC massacre - sending oil prices plunging by the most since the financial crisis. And now, Bloomberg has the stunning backstory behind Friday's announcement that Russia is quitting its output deal with OPEC and its allies, after last week's Vienna summit meant to back a proposal by oil producers to cut output collapsed, causing a 10% plunge in oil prices, with some markets seeing their biggest one-day falls since the financial crisis.

Events on earth are driven by the energies provided by the planets. To better understand these energies, astrologers routinely cast horoscopes for exact planetary aspects. While the effect of these aspects are worldwide in scope, those places where the planets occupy the angles are the ones most affected. At Moscow the Venus-Uranus conjunction of March 8  (at 4 degrees Tauras) takes place exactly on the descendant of the chart implying that Moscow was being singled out to express this energy.

In his monthly blogpost for March, Steven Forrest describes the energy of the transiting Venus-Uranus conjunction thus:

Break out of the tyranny of your own routines and habits. You are at risk of becoming a victim of your own predictability (a serious problem for the fixed sign Tauras). Deep down, you are sick and tired of it. Trust those feelings. You need change in terms of your circumstances, your memorized daily patterns, and above all, your attitude. You need more of a sense of freedom in your life, and you need to be its author or it will not happen. This edgy feeling is most pressing in your primary relationships. Astrologers often use these aspects to predict breakups.

Now look at the other planets that aspect Venus-Uranus and the horizon axis. On the Ascendant is the TNP Apollon associated with business, trade and commerce [1] in hard aspect to Neptune, the planet which rules oil [2]. So is it too difficult to relate the  breakup (Venus-Uranus) in the oil business?
