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Putin Unleashes Strategic Hell On The US

“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” ― Gospel of Thomas

… if there was ever a moment where Putin and Russia could inflict maximum pain on the United States via its Achilles’ heel, the financial markets and its unquenchable thirst for debt, it was this month just as the coronavirus was reaching its shores.

And I do believe this move to break OPEC+ and then watch Mohammed bin Salman break OPEC was Putin’s big judo-style reversal move. And by doing so in less than a week he has completely shut down the U.S. financial system.

Synastry is a method of comparing two or more horoscopes. This makes it possible to find the interaspects, i.e. the aspects between the planets and axes of one horoscope to another one. It is an effective and easily understood method, and it can be combined with predictive tools such as progressions and transits. In this post we will use synastry to understand the relationship between Putin and the US Sibly.  Putin’s (b. Oct.7, 1952) current solar arc progressed [1] Sun is at [22sag] completing a T-square with the US Sibly Neptune [22Virgo] and Mars [22gem].

In a natal/ radix chart, Neptune-Mars can describe the ideal or illusion or fantasy (Neptune) of strength and potency (Mars). People may feel extremely vulnerable and weak (Neptune) afraid of being attacked (Mars) when the combination is triggered. Incidentally, Neptune’s connection to virus epidemics is well documented [2].

 If solar progressions are treated as the slow moving “hour hand” of the cosmic clock, planetary transits can be looked upon as the “minute hand”.  And sure enough, the Full Moon of March 9 at [20virgo] fell on the US Sibly Neptune triggering  Putin’s solar progression to the Sibly Mars-Neptune square. The master strategist was able to hit when the US was at its most vulnerable!

But it is not as though, Putin came from nowhere to destabilize the US Sibly…the chart already has indications of a possible destabilization in the current period. Well, one of lesser known progressions moves all planets by 2 ½ degrees per year. (This figure comes from dividing a full sign 30 degrees by 12..a sort of fractal of the whole circle 360 degrees divided by 12 signs). With this method of progression, the current position of the Sibly Sun is [22pisces] exactly opposite the Sibly Neptune [22virgo] thereby triggering its radix Mars-Neptune square. Besides…transiting Neptune at [19pi] is within just three degrees of an opposition to the Sibly radix Neptune. 

  For years Putin has been begging the West to stop its insane belligerence in the Middle East and across Asia. He’s argued eloquently at the U.N. and in interviews that the unipolar moment is over and that the U.S. can only maintain its status as the world’s only super power for so long. Eventually the debt would undermine its strength and at the right moment would be revealed to be far weaker than it projected.

Mars is the Roman equivalent of Ares – the Greek god of war. A keyword for Neptune is weakness or vulnerability. One expression of Mars-Neptune is a bully who picks on the weak.  This is when you identify with the Mars (bully) end and inflict pain on Neptune (weak). But once in a while, the table is turned and you  may meet up with someone stronger who proceeds to bully you..exposing your  weakness …that is if you don’t  have the courage to discover your own shadow. The quotation above from the Gospel of Thomas is saying exactly that.

[2] Astrology of the Coronavirus – a Neptunian conundrum

Viruses are connected with the nebulous planet Neptune, which concerns that which is invisible and no boundaries.


  1. GORGEOUS!! HA!! LOVELY!! WHAT A LONG WAIT!! IT'S HERE!! YAYYYY!! THE dishes flew from the table lollll.
    Calm down lindamay 🤣


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