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Sacred Love

Cupid and Psyche – Eternal Soul Mates

As the popular saying goes, "Love is Blind". But what happens when two visually impaired people fall in love? "You get a very different kind of love; a love that's not about physical beauty; it's love beyond appearances," says award-winning Indian photographer Niraj Gera. In a recent photo series called Sacred Love, he tells the story of a blind couple in 13 photographs. March 17

The elements of a horoscope are symbols. A horoscope is, therefore, an organization of symbolic images and narratives of the possibilities of human experience. On my blog site regular readers will have seen several examples of how the same planetary configurations amidst the same stars give rise to several possibilities taking place all over the world. What makes the difference? It is really dependent on human free-will.

The following extracts from a previous post on the astrology of India’s social unrest [1], focused on the December 26 solar eclipse as it affected India’s chart creating a divide between communities (-ve S.Node in Capricorn response) but also bringing some together (+ve N.Node in Cancer response) as never before. A deep dwelling of light, love and mutual nurturance (N.Node in Cancer), once dimmed by control, manipulation and cruelty,(S.Node in Capricorn) now shines forth from each of us.

The New Moon produces a Lunar South Node (Ketu) eclipse that impels our departure from an antiquated societal modality and a rapid acceleration into an escalating transformative process occurring throughout the year ahead…. This departure may externalize in the world as greater disparity between those who insist upon perpetuating an antiquated paradigm of conflict and domination, and the "cultural creatives" who herald a progressive personal and societal metamorphosis.

Sidereal Gemini often depicted as brothers hugging each other has been associated with the brotherhood – sisterhood of mankind. With a club (in Pollux’s left hand) and bow and arrow i(in Castor’s right hand), , the Twins also stand for racial hatred and persecution. The constellation has been found to be active both in instances of religious or racial prejudice as well as in peaceful efforts to bring people together in recognition of their common humanity.

With S.Node  in tropical Capricorn accompanied by Saturn and Pluto, we are being asked to discover the courage to question the dictates of consensus rule that allow for common acceptance of oppression and subjugation, and to think for ourselves beyond the brain-washing of mass media that reinforces herd consciousness. During Pluto’s transit in Capricorn, …we will  see a growing number of individuated types who reject and rebel against the system and its arbitrary definitions.

The Full Moon lunar eclipse of Jan. 11 (representing the culmination of New Moon solar eclipse energies) fell very significantly on the meridian at Delhi with the stars Spica and Arcturus (often referred to as soul mates) rising on the Ascendant.

The Archturus-Spica (Boötes-Virgo) synthesis exemplifies the masculine and feminine in their unadulterated Divine Union, able to express, birth, and manifest the purest expressions of Unity Consciousness.

If we now progress the lunar eclipse chart to March 17, the date of the BBC news story, we find (a) that the eclipse axis reaches a square aspect to the meridian …and is thereby triggered (b) the progressed horizon aligns with TNP Cupido – Jupiter – Hades – Node. 

The TNP Cupido (as also the Node) rules marriages or unions while the TNP Hades refers to those who are unfortunate and of course the Great Benefic Jupiter blesses such a union with good luck. And amazingly, the stars that form the backdrop to the elements at both ends refer to “blindness”.  Jupiter is conjunct the star Facies (Oculus Sagittarii) – the cluster just in front of the Archer’s face associated with eye injuries or problems [2].  And for the stars conjunct Hades and the N. Node, Diana Rosenberg lists “physical disabilities and blindness”.

Can all this be a coincidence? The union of the blind couple is a living example of the Gemini Twins hugging each other – symbolically representing the coming together of soul mates!
