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Symbolic message of the Quasar 3C 279

The Virgin and the Raven

One year ago, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration published the first image of a black hole in the nearby radio galaxy M 87. Now the collaboration has extracted new information from the EHT data on the distant quasar 3C 279: they observed the finest detail ever seen in a jet produced by a supermassive black hole. New analyses, led by Jae-Young Kim from the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy (MPIfR) in Bonn, enabled the collaboration to trace the jet back to its launch point, close to where violently variable radiation from across the electromagnetic spectrum arises. April 7

The worldview underlying astrology sees all of reality as symbolic in nature. To the symbolist, the heavenly bodies are threads within a great tapestry of affinities and correspondences. Astrologers believe that when our attention is drawn by a cosmic phenomena, the object involved has a special meaning for us at several levels.

The quasar 3C 279 has an ecliptic longitude of [15libra10] amid the stars of the Virgin and Corvus. (Can it be a coincidence that this longitude is also the position of radix Saturn in the US Sibly..placed in the 10th house of the country’s government and leaders!)

The  stars of Corvus – the Raven have a widespread association with trickery and the serving of self-interest. But also here are the stars of the Virgin which longs for “truth” and “purity”.  Few other skyscapes are so polarized between light and dark, clear air and suffocating darkness, with a tremendous conflict between the Virgin’s honest, upright will-to-do good and the Raven’s greed and arrogant self-interest.

So as the details of the quasar are being revealed to us…a battle is taking place on earth between the forces of light and the forces of darkness quite invisible to the common man. The forces of darkness have succeeded in creating the COVID-19 pandemic that has spread havoc throughout the world leading to a lockdown of the global economy. But  the entry of the Sun into sidereal Aries on April 14 square the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn may mark a turning point in the battle between the dark and light forces.

The conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto at 24ยบ53 Capricorn, at its peak during the period 27 March – 16 April 2020, brings together the transforming energies of both these planets – the Furthering and Moving On of Jupiter with the Purging of Pluto – and so augurs a time of an increased urge to purge, to get away from what is rotten, corrupt and evil in the institutions, hierarchies and rules we live by, to expose weak, irresponsible and lazy parenting and governance and find new ways (see Jupiter in Capricorn and Pluto in Capricorn). It is a time of fast forwarding the destruction of the current structures in society that have maintained the corrupt status quo, an increase in the challenges facing the establishment, the institutions that govern society and those in positions of power,  particular those who have abused their power rather than doing their duty to society. It brings a speeding up of the collective surge towards change through eliminating what is corrupt and not-fit-for-purpose, with an emphasis on regeneration and renewal based on higher ideals and principles, where those at the top operate in the interests of the whole community providing protection and well-being for all and societal structures allow for the fulfilment of aspirations, the climbing to higher positions through effort…

And finally the SABIAN symbol for the longitude [15libra10] of the quasar 3C 279 is:


I would think the symbol describes perfectly the effect of the pandemic and the need for reconstruction.

Today’s Full Moon [18li] falls within just three degrees of the quasar’s position. Another coincidence?!

PS: The Cup in the image above is the Holy Grail of truth that the Virgin and the Raven both claim to possess! Can we as observers discriminate between the truth and the lies. That is the challenge.


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