Binding of Ixion – Ancient Greek Vase Painting
is former President Obama calling forth all his defensive resources now? Why did former national security advisor
Susan Rice write her CYA letter? Why
have republicans in congress not been willing to investigate the true origins
of political surveillance? What is the
reason for so much anger, desperation and opposition from a variety of
In this post we shall look at Obama’s chart and its
current major progressions. The first chart is Obama’s natal chart and the
second is the current secondary (day for year) progression. Notice that the
progressed MC has now reached a conjunction with natal Saturn placed in the 12th
along with Jupiter. Let us remember that anyone born with a Jupiter-Saturn
conjunction (like Obama here) will at 59-60 years of age have a repeat conjunction
since Jupiter will have completed 5 cycles (5x12 years) while Saturn will have completed 2 cycles (2x30 years).
Readers familiar with astrology know that human
experiences unfold through 12 houses in
a horoscope. The twelfth house closes the cycle of human experience. What we
must remember, however, is that in the twelfth house a man must face the
ultimate, logical effects of tenth house causes. In the tenth house he met the needs of
society; that is, he chose, or was led
to a profession, or a social position of some sort. In the twelfth house the
individual either consolidates his successes into the seed of a new cycle of
growth, or he meets the accumulated results of his failures.
It is for this
reason that the 12th house is often called the house of karma or
self-undoing. It refers to prisons and places of confinement. Saturn in the 12th
is a difficult placement because the Saturnian energies geared towards
self-protection and defense against the environment are rendered ineffectual.
This may in extreme situations be through hospitalization or imprisonment and
the man may learn through his own helplessness how ultimately impotent the
personal will is against forces of his own past which he himself has set in motion
Transit Saturn having just stationed on May 11 at [1aq]
has triggered the secondary progression “prog. MC conjunct radix Saturn”. On
May 14 Jupiter will station at [27cp] also triggering the radix placements.
Also notice that the secondary progressed Moon [25cn] is another trigger. Let
us now look at Obama’s Saturn position in more detail. The following horoscope
elements make hard aspects to his radix Saturn in the 12th. Of particular interest here is the centaur Ixion.
Ixion [24li], Saturn [25cp], Jupiter [1aq],
Mercury [2le]
Ixion seems to
exemplify people in authoritarian positions being brought to justice for tyrannical
deeds involving the suppression and manipulation of people, as well as the
destruction of people for one's own end. Ixion may also be prominent in
malicious and deceptive power-plays between authoritarian figureheads, drawn
out in long karmic-based scenarios [2].
Regular readers will be able to connect the FISA disclosures
and the Obamagate drama with what I wrote in my previous post [3] on the
upcoming Venus retrograde cycle.
[1] Saturn – A New Look at an old Devil; Liz Greene
[3] Upcoming Venus retrograde cycle