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Trump’s EO against social media censorship

Social media giants have long hid behind a law shielding them from litigation to censor content they did not like. President Donald Trump’s executive order just reminded them that laws can also be used as a sword. Though the First Amendment to the US Constitution prohibits the government from restricting freedom of speech, social media platforms have long argued this does not apply to them as private companies. The executive order signed by Trump on Thursday points out that their status as platforms, and immunity from endless civil lawsuits, depends on their removal of controversial content being done “in good faith.” May 28

The monthly rhythm of the Lunation Cycle (the cycle of relationship between the Sun and the Moon) is perhaps the most important planetary cycle.  The phases of the Moon are considered significant for a place if they fall on the angles (horizon or meridian). Shown here is First Quarter Moon phase for San Francisco, CA which is similar for other places close by where all tech giants Twitter, Google etc are located. Notice that the Sun-Moon straddle the horizon implying that an important message is coming through for the place. One way to understand the message is to look at the midpoints that the Sun/Moon activate. These are as under:

Sun/Moon = Ura/Hades = Ura/Kron = Cup/Pos

POSEIDON: interest in business practices/ethics; reactions to the media
KRONOS: Authoritative positions; laws; police; legislators; governmental leaders.
CUPIDO: Issues in the family history; group unity or dynamics; family members.
HADES: Disgust/distaste; debilitation or deterioration.

Cupido/Poseidon: Media group; ethics or moral questions within group or organization
Uranus/Kronos: defiance of laws; changes in laws
Uranus/Hades: Disgust with technology; down turn for technology
