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New Moon brings China-US to brink of war

For weeks, several US aircraft carriers have carried out drills in waters near China, including in the Philippine Sea and South China Sea. However, last week, Chinese forces decided to stage their own drills, holding live-fire exercises in which PLAAF jets rehearsed how they would carry out strikes against enemy warships in the region. 21.07.20

United States and Communist China are  moving closer to war by the hour—a conflict greatly escalated over the past few hours when two US Navy nuclear armed aircraft carrier battle groups operating in the South China Sea “were forced to take countermeasures”  after Communist Chinese warplanes began practicing airstrikes on these US warships—that caused President Donald Trump to retaliate and order Communist China to close its consulate in Houston-Texas within 72-hours

The news of war like tension between China and the US could easily have been anticipated by readers of my previous post [1]. The following are edited extracts from the post :

Change   is a threatening prospect that Capricorn fears (resulting in) intensified action directed to re-secure control. Rage, anger, frustration, and aggression can lead to war. The old order is being destroyed and a new one is being  born.. Unfortunately, there aren’t many leaders who appear capable of handling the pressure. Most seem more interested in clinging to power for its own sake. Some are crazy enough to ignite another war, but whatever the scenario, it can only end in their destruction.

But of course the question that remains is why did the New Moon activate tensions  between China and the US. Well firstly the New Moon [28cn] opposite Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn aligned with the meridian at Washington DC  marking it as one place where its energies were sure to felt there. Then secondly the New Moon- Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn axis formed a sharp T-square with the meridian of the US – China Davison Relationship Chart (DRC). The  most important current solar arc direction in the DRC is Sun prog. [0le] opposite radix TNP Hades [0aq] which has been triggered by the New Moon- Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn configuration.

The New Moon [28cn] is sharply square the midpoint of the Pluto-Vulcanus.Martha Wescott interprets this midpoint as:

Pluto-Vulcanus: to see the incredible power of resentment and buried emotions; to be willing to do whatever it takes to gain the upper hand or dominate others; to have interactions that might be described as a psychological contest of strength

Having dealt with the planets let us look at the stars that are involved. Among the stars conjunct the New Moon are those of Argo – the Celestial Ship while those aligned with Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto are in the constellation of the Archer and Aquila, the Eagle. Most often these were combined  in the image shown here - a perfect symbol for a military aircraft. Now if we go a step further and combine the image of Argo, the Celestial Ship with the Archer and the Eagle do we not have the aircraft carrier!

Can it be a coincidence that the news mentions fighter aircrafts and aircraft carriers?

[1] New Moon in Cancer signals major changes
